Warning! Pimples on the mother can be a sign of this defect in the body! How to avoid and what to do…

Pimple indicates major disease on obesity!

Pimples and Pimples on the Forehead: Even after all the efforts regarding cleaning and nutrition of the face, people still get pimples on their face. Sometimes pimples themselves do not indicate any problem or disease or bad condition of any part of the body. Yes, if pimples are coming out on your forehead and cheeks, then it is not necessary that the skin of your face is deteriorating, it also indicates the problem of your intestines.

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Why are there pimples on the forehead? Marjoram pimples on the forehead and cheeks actually mainly indicate unhealthy intestines, and if not taken care of at the right time, it can lead to intestinal problems.

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Let us know what the pimples on the forehead and on the smartphone indicate –


Even after all kinds of efforts, people still get pimples on their face.

  • Supercharged pills on the forehead indicate poor digestive system and intestinal health. Especially if there is more bitterness in the skin of the forehead and continuously coming out of the mouth, then it is a sign that your intestines are getting unhealthy or there is an invasion of bacteria in the intestines. Due to visceral infection in Aaton, intestinal infection occurs, which damages the intestines and weakens the digestive system. In particular, they stick to gut bacteria that cause intestinal infections.
  • In such a situation, indicating these pimples, good bacteria should be detected and checkup with the doctor should be identified. Apart from this, those foods should be included in your diet so that your intestines become healthy.
  • Apart from this, pimples on the chin also warn about the health of the digestive system and intestines. This means that your digestive system is getting weak and it is affecting your overall health. You need to change your diet and drink enough water. Apart from this, it is also necessary to get enough sleep and remove stress.
  • If pimples are coming out on the cheeks, then it indicates that your teeth are getting weak. Lack of dental hygiene and stick infection can be the cause of pimples on the cheeks.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or a specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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