Washing rice flour on the face in this way will make the skin glow, know how to make rice flour scrub

Homemade scrub for glowing face: Radiant rice spot scrub on face.

special things

  • Rice flour brightens the skin.
  • Its scrub is easy to make.
  • Scrubbing can be done once a week.

Care of skin: If many such things are used properly at home, then many kinds of problems can be got rid of. These household items are especially useful in skin care. Anyway, our grandmothers did not get parlor facials done in their time, nor did they apply different products. From her kitchen, she used to extract such things which were possible to bring natural glow to the skin. Here some such recipes of rice flour (rice flour) are being adopted. You can take care of your skin with Rice Scrub at home.


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Rice Flour and Honey

To make this scrub, take one teaspoon of rice flour and take half a teaspoon of honey in it. Try mixing both well, if the paste contains more then water can be added as required. Wash this scrub after rubbing it with light hands on the face.

Rice flour and rose water

Take a spoonful of rice doubt in a bowl and take it out. Make rose water work and paste in it according to need. This scrub exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells. You can use it once to twice a week.


Rice flour and raw milk

Raw milk works to cleanse the skin. This cleanses the skin well. Along with this, the layer of dirt accumulated on the face starts coming off after getting milk in the disorder of rice. To prepare the scrub, take rice flour and milk as per requirement. Do not make this paste too textured and not too pebble. Take it in the profile and rub it on the face and wash the face.


Rice flour and aloe vera gel

Mix aloe vera gel with rice in a bowl. You have to take one spoon of both. If it is pester, add water and correct the consistency. The face is exfoliated with this scrub. If you want, you can keep it on the face like a face pack for 10 to 15 minutes.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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