Watch: A thirsty dog ​​was trying to get water from the tap, then a person did this work

Screengrab from a video shared on Twitter by IFS Sushant Nanda.

A dog is considered one of the most reliable and trustworthy among all the pets. From mobility aids to sensing danger and alerting their humans to it, they help wonderfully. So it becomes the responsibility of human beings to take care of their “Dear Friend” too. This incredible bond between dogs and humans was recently seen in a public square. A video shared by Indian Forest Service officer Sushant Nanda showed a thirsty dog ​​struggling to get water from a tap at a public square. So he sat near the tap and waited for someone to help him fetch water.

A man saw her concern and walked towards her. The dog again raised its hand to point to him. The man offered water in his cloaked hands and the pooch immediately accepted it. The 36-second video shows the dog completely focused on the water and not paying attention to its movements from people standing there.

Mr Nanda borrowed the words of renowned author and educator Helen Keller for his tweet. “Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others – Helen Keller,” it read.

After quenching his thirst, the dog walked away from the man, but stopped seeing him bringing more water in his clothed hands.

The clip has been viewed nearly 55,000 times and retweeted over 700 times.

Many agreed with what the Indian Forest Service officer said and also praised the man who helped the dog drink water.

Another said that people like the ones in the video make the world a habitable place.

Some thanked the IFS officer for sharing the video.

Referring to Helen Keller’s quote, one user said, “Compassionate men have a great attitude.”

What do you have to say about the human-dog bond?

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