WATCH: Arjun Kapoor has ‘healthy pancakes’ for breakfast – we have some recipes

Arjun Kapoor is currently giving us major health and food inspiration. wonder how? We suggest you check out her Instagram. The actor has 13.3 million followers on the photo-sharing app, whom he keeps in touch with through interesting posts and stories. Recently, he gave us a glimpse into his body transformation journey and how he stayed motivated for 15 months of being “#workinProgress”. After that, he sneaked us into his diet as well. From healthy juices to guilt-free desserts, we find she has it all. But that doesn’t mean he gives up on delicious dishes. Recently, he gave us a glimpse of his momo bhog (probably from Nepal) and talked about it in detail.

following the tradition, Arjun Kapoor Shared a recent post which was healthy again and looked so delicious. No points for guessing, it was an indulgent stack of pancakes. In a recent Insta-post, we saw Arjun preparing a healthy pancake made with bananas, eggs, cocoa powder, oats and more. Then she dipped the pancakes in a bowl of maple syrup and indulged! Already slurping? Take a look at the delicious Insta-post:

Read also: What does Arjun Kapoor eat when he is not dieting? find it here

Like us, we know you’re salivating. so what are you waiting for? Prepare yourself some healthy pancakes and enjoy Arjun Kapoor-style. And to help you do that, we come up with some of our favorite pancake recipes that are delicious and super healthy too. click here For seven healthy pancake recipes you can prepare for your next breakfast.

He is not everything. We have also brought you some easy tips that will help you make pancakes healthier. click here to know more.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In the matter of food, people or places, she only wants to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.