Watch: Chef made giant shark out of chocolate, internet stunned

The Chocolate Shark masterpiece is 7.5 feet long and weighs 150 pounds (68 kg).

Social media is full of incredible videos that have been viewed thousands of times. People have posted videos on Instagram and other platforms that showcase their talents along with artworks. One such video is becoming wildly viral on social media in which a chocolate shark is shown making. And it’s created by renowned chef Amaury Guichon.

The video was shared by Mr Guichon a week ago on his official Instagram page. According to the Post, the chocolate masterpiece measures 7.5 feet long and weighs 150 pounds (68 kg) and is made of 100% chocolate. Mr Guichon said it was one of his “greatest creations”.

In the viral video, Mr. Guichon can be seen making different parts of a shark out of chocolate and then assembling them one after the other. In the end, he creates a small fish that sits on the shark’s back.

Since being shared, the video has garnered over 10.2 million views on Instagram and over 9 lakh likes. Users have flooded the comment section of the post praising Mr Guichon’s artwork.

One user asked Mr. Guichon and wrote, “My kids are wondering – how many hours does this take you?”

Another user wrote, “Impressive, great videos! Great job Chief.”

A third user wrote, “Is these things she always eats in the end?”

Responding to these comments, the chef wrote, “Chef Amaury’s figurines are 100% chocolate/edible and created during long-term programs here at his academy located in Las Vegas for educational purposes and then permanently for his students.” are displayed at the Academy for. To follow.”

Mr. Guichon also shared detailed instructions for those interested in learning his techniques and recipes.

Mr. Guichon is known for his famous chocolate masterpieces. He has 9.4 million followers on Instagram.

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