Watch: Choking boy saved by stranger in restaurant

Good Samaritans appear when you least expect them. A man recently saved a boy from suffocation in a restaurant in Wisconsin, USA. Without any formal training, he performed the Heimlich maneuver—a first aid procedure in which the abdomen is thrust to treat upper airway blockages by foreign objects—and removed a large piece of chicken sandwich lodged in the boy’s throat. . A video of the incident was captured in the CCTV camera. It is shown that the boy is slitting his throat as the man passes by. Seeing the boy in trouble, the man grabs him from behind, lifts him, and performs the Heimlich maneuver.

The boy immediately throws out a piece of chicken sandwich. But more blockage is visible in his throat. Therefore, the man continues the process as two worried women watch him. One of them is the boy’s mother, who tries to ask for help, but leaves after seeing the man helping the boy. Meanwhile, the other woman called the emergency helpline 911. Fortunately, thanks to timely intervention, the boy was saved from suffocating on the sandwich.

The incident happened in August in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. footage was released on youtube Channel Viralhog on Tuesday. According to the caption, the man’s name is Joseph Reinhart – and he is getting a lot of praise for his sharp thinking.

“Sometimes heroes wear yellow T-shirts. He was able to have two pieces of food at 0:04 and 0:23,” commented a user on the video.

“Wonderful. Somebody pay that guy’s bills for a while. What a wonderful man, he was awesome,” said another.

A third user said it was “awful”.

One user praised the man for continuing the Heimlich maneuver without giving up. “Never give up, be aggressive. Great job,” wrote the user.

“Omg, he’s a hero,” said another.

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