Watch: Common weight loss mistakes shared by celeb nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar

Losing weight is a journey that takes time, patience and dedication to achieve. When it comes to weight loss, there is no one method that is suitable for everyone. Sometimes, even with diet and exercise, losing weight can be quite difficult, while other times the results can be very rapid. In addition, there is a lot of advice and tips being shared online that claim to help you lose weight fast. Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar recently shared some common weight loss mistakes that we are making. She posted a three-part video series that she watched from personal experience.

The most common weight loss mistakes reported by celeb nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar are:

1. Don’t Make It Just About Your Weight:

celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Turns out it wasn’t just a metric about weight, but about overall health. This will include other factors such as strength, stamina, flexibility and even the waist-to-hip ratio.

(Also read: Celeb nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar shares the benefits of bael sherbet for summer,

Weight Loss Mistakes: Weight is just a metric or indicator of your overall health.

2. Do not compare this time with past experiences:

not two weight loss The experiences may be similar. If you think a diet has worked for you in the past, it may not be suitable for your current needs. A good diet is one that can accommodate uncertainties and factors such as changes in your stress level and appetite.

3. Don’t Blame Yourself for Lack of Results:

When it comes to weight loss, it is never a good idea to take a results-based approach according to Rujuta Diwekar. we should always pay attention to every Step and enjoy the journey. It is always a good idea to take at least three months to see the changes taking place in your body.

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Weight Loss Mistakes: Don’t blame yourself or be in a hurry to get weight loss results.

4. Do not rush to lose weight:

in the video; Rujuta Diwekar reveals that rapid weight loss is not sustainable in the long run. Losing about 10% of your body weight a. more than Duration One year can be considered as a healthy and sustainable weight loss.

5. Don’t Overdo With Exercise Or Use It As Punishment:

Exercise should never be meant as much as compensation for a poor diet. Exercise and diet should go hand in hand, as demonstrated by a recent example. study very. Half an hour of exercise every day or an hour every alternate day is enough and this is a common weight loss mistake according to Diwekar.

(Also read: Weight Loss: 5 Diet Tips For Better Workout Sessions,


Weight Loss Mistakes: Exercising too much will not accelerate weight loss.

6. Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep:

A common mistake of losing weight is not getting enough sleep. when you own Body It is equally important to give time to rest and recover, through a rigorous exercise regime. According to Rujuta Diwekar, treatment through adequate sleep is the most important step for weight loss and also helps in maintaining good skin and hair.

7. Don’t Follow Diet Trends:

Lots of fitness experts and gurus social media Advice for weight loss and what foods to avoid and consume. Rujuta advises not to blindly follow these trends online and instead follow the time-tested advice shared by our grandmothers.

8. Don’t Fix Portion Sizes:

Rujuta Diwekar said in her video, “Hunger is a moving entity, respect it.” You can choose to tweak your Diet Also on a day to day basis according to your appetite, mood, weather and physical activity. Also, eat mindfully and slowly to get the most out of your meals.

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Weight Loss Mistakes: While it’s a good idea to practice portion control, you must also keep your appetite in check.

9. Don’t Wait for the Approval of Others:

At the end of the day, it’s about how much progress you can make and only you can be the best judge for that. Don’t Wait for Your Loved Ones to Validate Your Progress – Everyone’s weight loss Travel is different.

Watch Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar’s full video here: