Watch: Cow running on road, motorcyclist knocked down in strange video

How many of you must have heard about road accidents where a furious cow hits a vehicle? Just a few days ago the same thing happened in Brazil. A video going viral on the internet shows an unexpected accident between a cow and a motorist. In a video shared by Youtube channel ViralHog, a furious cow suddenly runs across the street from an adjacent street, stunned everyone.

While a pedestrian saves himself from being hit by a cow, an oncoming motorist does not seem as lucky. As the cow runs across the road, a man on a motorcycle moves towards it. In a turn of events, the mammal hits the motorcycle with its head and knocks the vehicle down. The motorist falls on the road with his bike while the cow turns and goes somewhere else. The collision does not appear to have caused any serious injury to the motorist or the animal.

According to the caption, the incident took place on October 27 in Chapeco, Santa Catarina, Brazil. When the incident happened, the video recorder sat in a car. The note read, “I was in the street, inside the car, waiting for a friend, when suddenly a cow passed by and two men ran after him, I took the cell phone and started recording, then he came back from an area. She came running. She went inside and collided with the motorcyclist.”

The video has been viewed over 58,000 times on the platform youtube. It has been liked by around 1,200 viewers.

Viewers were surprised as well as happy with the clip. One user wrote, “Now, this is a block cowboy to be proud of,” reminding us of Cowboy Adventures as seen in Hollywood movies.

Another thought this video was unbelievable. He wrote, ‘No photo, no one will ever believe that a cow made you run.

One person wrote, ‘You can’t even tell anyone, they will never believe you.

Although the accident was shocking, the audience assumed it was funny.

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