Watch: Greek hairdresser cuts hair in 47 seconds, sets world record

The video has become quite popular on social media.

A good haircut can enhance the beauty of anyone’s face. Hairstyle is an art, and creating a good hairstyle requires a lot of patience. But quite contrary to this belief, a Greek hairdresser who cuts her clients’ hair in less than a minute has become a social media sensation.

Konstantinos Koutupis, a hairdresser from Athens, Greece, set a Guinness World Record for the fastest haircut in 47 seconds. Mr. Coutupis currently holds the record for the fastest haircut with a trimmer.

In a video going viral on social media, he introduced his talent. In the first 30 seconds of the three-minute clip, Mr. Koutoupis immediately engages in battle. He doesn’t leave until the client’s hair is completely styled. The barber stopped at 47.17 seconds and raised his hand.

His name was then entered into the Guinness World Records when judges measured hair length to ensure that the job was done properly.

The record keeper tweeted the video with the message, “Need a quick trim? What about a 45 second trim?”. It was posted as a compilation video with a haircut theme.

Watch the viral video and be amazed:

It is clearly visible in the video that he strokes the client’s hair as if every action was pre-planned. Many netizens were amazed by the precision with which she cut the client’s hair.

One social media user praised Mr Coutupis’ hair-cutting abilities and said, “Great job.”

Another user was shocked to see how Guinness officials were measuring the hair. He commented that “it’s official that he measured with a ruler 🙂 Guinness is awesome”.

One person claimed the haircut didn’t look good and questioned the hasty trimming, saying, “I’m sorry I thought your head of hair was supposed to look good at the end? Even The person whose hair was cut also doesn’t look happy”.

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