Watch: How To Peel And Dice Pineapple Easily – Chef Kunal Kapoor Shares Tips

There are many reasons to love pineapple as a fruit. It tastes great and comes with many health benefits. The humble fruit is a great source of vitamin C, vitamin B, fiber and contains many essential minerals. Health experts believe that it promotes digestion, aids in weight loss and helps fight various diseases. In addition to eating it straight, many people also add it to smoothies, juices, fruit salads and other dishes. However, because of its tough outer shell, many of us find it difficult to peel or cut a pineapple. So, if you are one of those who struggle to cut fruits, watch this video of celebrity chef Kunal Kapoor, where he shows an easy way to cut and cut fruits.

How to Peel and Dice Pineapple – Chef Kunal Kapoor Shares:

  • To do this Chef Kunal first cuts off the top (crown) and base of the fruit and removes those two halves.
  • Next, he holds the pineapple in an upright position and cuts the outer shell into large strips.
  • Then he repeats the process on all sides to get rid of the outer skin completely. If there are any brown eyes, cut them out too, says Kunal.
  • Then he cuts the pineapple down the middle, breaks it into pieces, and places them on the chopping board.
  • He then cuts them into bite-sized pieces before serving them.

Watch the video here:

Read also: Summer Diet Tips: 7 Desi Pineapple Recipes You Must Try This Summer

If this technique from Chef Kunal Kapoor gives you a better idea of ​​how to deal with pineapples, why not try making some delicious recipes using the fruit! One of the dishes you can make with pineapple is Sweet, It will take hardly 30 minutes to make and this dish is full of flavour. And, if you want to avoid something too sweet, you can try making Pineapple Pachadi, It is a chutney made from pineapple chunks, some amount of coconut and lots of spices.

A quick and hassle free recipe of pineapple can be Rasmi as well. Yes, this popular dish in the southern part of the country can be made from the fruit. It only enhances the taste.

Earlier on one occasion, Chef Kunal Kapoor shared a hack for cutting carrots. For this he first takes a carrot and flattens it on a chopping board. Then, he gently removes the outer skin using a peeler. Then, he moves the peel against the top of the carrot to remove the outer skin as well. Finally, he removes the tip (upper part) of the carrot. read more about Here,

Follow these tips and make the process of chopping and chopping fruits and vegetables easier. Let us know if these tips work for you, in the comments section below.