Watch: Indian artists cooking small homegrown food; internet is affected

The expression of creativity can exist in many forms, such as a Paintings, a sculpture and even food, People have redefined art, and food has become a popular medium of expression. The use of art to create visual wonders has increased, and today we encountered an Indian food artist who has changed the way we look at food. Going by the name of @Minikitchenindia on Instagram, these artists have managed to shorten the entire cooking process. Yes, you read it right! They use small utensils and ingredients to prepare food. Name a pot, stove, spoon, knife, a pot and they have a miniature version of it! It is almost therapeutic to watch them cook in their own small kitchen setup.

Read also: Stop-motion video of artist making waffles goes viral; Here’s why people are in awe

In the video, we see a mini version of a fully functioning pressure cooker. Artists use it to boil real lentils. It’s mesmerizing to watch them cook like this, and it’s hilarious to see big hands using small items! Then, the artists proceed to prepare the tadka, in which all the spices and ingredients are seasoned using small utensils. The amount of time and effort it took them to prepare a spoon full of lentils is mind-blowing! The video has got 340k views and 25k likes.

These artists have managed to create some of the most popular Indian dishes using their miniature style. From Rajasthani Dal Bati and Indo-Chinese Spring Rolls to Western Classic French Fries, he has recreated them all. People are amazed by his creativity and talent! Here’s what he commented:

“How do you get these lovely working ships and equipment… I’m very curious”

“Working Mini Cooker!? Howw”

“Really proud of your stuff… nobody has the mindset to try something new and extraordinary”

“The pulse is bigger than a spoon… but very sweet.” (The pulse is bigger than the spoon! But very sweet)

“Really salute to you and your team”

What do you think about it? Tell us in the comment section below.
