Watch: Make Meethi Boondi in different colors with this super easy recipe

Sweet boondi is always associated with ‘prasad’. Even though we can’t wait to put it in our mouths for its sweet and succulent taste, we never really thought of it as a dessert substitute. The bright red boondi remains in our mind as a temple prasad, no matter how much we love it. To change this perception, here we have a recipe for sweet boondi that you can easily make at home, that too in different colors – red, green and yellow!

The recipe video was posted by food vlogger Ananya Banerjee on her YouTube channel, and she makes the whole process quite simple. all you need is some besan make boondi, some edible color and sugar for syrup. However, you can make the syrup even more delicious by adding ghee and cardamom powder.

(Also read: See: How To Make 3-Ingredient Boondi Laddus At Home,

Boondi can be used to make both sweet and savory dishes.

Step by Step Recipe for Homemade Sweet Boondi:

Take gram flour in a bowl, add a pinch of baking soda and 3/4 cup of water. Make a smooth batter by mixing. Divide the batter into three parts. Add green food color to one part and red food color to the second part, leave the third part as it is. Let the batter rest for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, make a cup of sugar syrup. Now heat oil for frying. Take a wide sieve and pour the solution from it into the boiling oil. Remove the boondi from the pan on a paper towel. Add a little ghee, cardamom powder and lemon juice to the boiling sugar syrup. Now put boondi in the syrup and let it cook covered for 5 minutes. Serve chilled.

Serve as is or serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. You can even make your own dessert with it – like sundaes or pudding.

Check out the complete recipe of Meethi Boondi here:

(Also read: instant sweet Bundi Recipes can be made in 5 minutes with the remaining sugar syrup,

About Neha GroverHis love for reading aroused his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading as she sips coffee.