Watch: Make Spinach Egg Curry For Healthy And Healthy Dinner

Weekends are busy, aren’t they?! We spend our time meeting deadlines and attending meetings, only to realize that we’ve spent the whole day engrossed in work. As the day comes to an end, we look forward to dinner hoping to revel in the delicious food. We want weeknight dinners to be delicious, but we can’t afford to eat pizza and burgers every other day. So, we need to eat something healthy but tasty too. With that in mind, we’ve found the perfect recipe that will fit the description! make mushy and healthy spinach Egg curry for dinner.

Read also: Palak Egg Curry, Palak Kofta and More: Try These Delicious High Protein Recipes for Healthy Eating

Along with the bountiful benefits of spinach and eggs, this protein-rich curry is packed with delectable flavors that will leave you swoon! The potent combination of superfoods makes this a bowl full of health and deliciousness. This curry is very easy to make and will be ready in no time!

About Spinach Egg Curry Recipe: How To Make Spinach Egg Curry At Home

First of all, grind the blanched spinach, ginger, garlic and chopped green chilies and make a soft puree. After this, heat oil in a pan and fry cumin in it. Add onion and fry till transparent. Add spinach puree, add red chili powder, turmeric powder, garam masala and salt. Let the spinach cook for some time. Once the spinach flavor is absorbed by the egg, add the chopped boiled eggs. Spinach Egg Curry is ready!

Watch the step by step recipe video of Palak Egg Curry in the header section.

Serve this curry with steamed rice, pulao or hot chapatis and eat delicious food on a plate!

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?! Make this delicious Spinach Egg Curry for dinner and surprise your family with your culinary skills. Tell us in the comment section how you liked this recipe.
