Watch: Make This Chicken Mayo Sandwich For A Delicious Breakfast

We eaters can be very specific about what we eat and when! From the first meal of the day to the last meal, we like to plan our day and make sure that our breakfast, lunch and dinner are all delicious. That’s because we are food-driven people! Eating our favorite food for breakfast can really affect how the rest of the day goes. This is why we choose to start our day on a delicious note! We are constantly on the lookout for breakfast recipes that are easy to make and delicious. With that in mind, we found a delicious breakfast recipe that we’re sure foodies will love for breakfast, and it’s called Chicken Mayo Sandwich.

Read also: 5 Delicious Sandwiches You Can Make With a Jar of Mayonnaise

For non-vegetarians, chicken is the favorite thing to eat, so this sandwich is a true delight! All we need is shredded chicken, mayonnaise, lettuce, onion and bread to make this delicious sandwich.

Chicken Mayo Sandwich Recipe: How to Make Chicken Mayo Sandwich at Home

First, you have to boil the boneless chicken and cut it after it cools down. Take the shredded chicken in a mixing bowl and add salt and pepper to it. Next, add mayonnaise and mix well. This will spread the chicken-mayonnaise. Take two slices of bread, it can be white bread or brown bread. Spread chicken-mayonnaise spread on both slices of bread. Place a few lettuce leaves and a sliced ​​onion on just one slice of bread. Close the sandwich with a slice of bread that has chicken-mayonnaise spread. Now grill the sandwich and enjoy it with spices of your choice (ketchup, mustard sauce etc.).

Watch the step-by-step recipe video for Chicken Mayo Sandwich in the header section.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?! Make this delicious Chicken Sandwich at home and surprise your family with your culinary skills! Tell us in the comment section how you liked it.