Watch: Make This Light And Mouth Watering Asian Chicken Salad For Healthy Eating

We’re all excited to show some skin in the scorching summer sun! The lethargy and lethargy of winter have made us a bit unwell and we are preparing to get fit again. The key to staying healthy is not just exercise, eating healthy is equally important. A balance between exercising and eating nutritious food can help us lose the weight or gain the weight we want! Often, the meal plan for such a trip is full of salads, as it is the dish that provides the best profile of nutrients for our bodies.

Read also: Weight Loss: 5 Cheesy Salad Recipes for a Guilt-Free Indulgence

According to health and nutrition expert Dr. Shikha Sharma in her book “101 Weight Loss Tips”, certain food combinations can be bad for our health. The book states that carbohydrates should not be combined with protein-rich food, but should be eaten with vegetables for a healthy and nutritious meal that will help in weight loss. Chicken salad is a protein to be enjoyed with, there is no shortage of chicken salad options to enjoy! Here we have an exciting salad option for you to make at home.

About Asian Chicken Salad Recipe: How To Make This Chicken Salad

To prepare the sauce for the salad, whisk together the chili oil, vinegar, sesame oil and soy sauce. Put chopped lettuce leaves, chopped spring onions, roasted sesame seeds, roasted almonds and grilled chicken in a bowl. Pour the sauce over the salad and toss until the salad is immersed in the sauce.

See the step by step recipe of Asian Chicken Salad in the header section.

You can serve this light and cold salad as an appetizer or enjoy it as a sumptuous dinner at home. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?! Make this quick salad at home and surprise your family with your culinary skills.

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