Watch: Reptile enthusiast captures rare bearded dragon in Australia

Bearded dragons, also known as pogona, are an exquisite species. Their name comes from the fine, hair-like structures on the bottom of their throats, which tend to hiss and turn black when they feel threatened or are faced with any sort of stress. While this creature is fairly common in Australia, it is rare in other parts of the world, including the United States. These animals are commonly found in the woods and bushes of Australia, from where Jay Brewer, reptile enthusiast and founder of Reptile Zoo in California, took a specimen and put the video on Instagram to show his followers. The caption of the video read, “When in Australia I caught a cool bearded dragon and cool because it’s a rare species here in the US it’s always fun to find pet species in the wild and bearded dragons. Pet Reptiles And great at that, of course, nothing is as easy as wild captivity and you can see how different a beard can look.” You can watch the video here:

The video shows Brewer sneaking up towards the animal before catching it. He then turns the animal upside down and removes some ticks from the ‘bearded’ area. However, the animal bites him in the process, causing him to bleed. Finally, the animal is released into the wild. The video garnered over 2.5 million views and tons of comments from his followers, some of whom called Brewer ‘cool’ for the discovery. Others jokingly commented on ‘Dragon Ball Z’ and compared the creature’s appearance to that of J. Others expressed concern over his wound and commended his bravery.

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