Watch: Sweet girl tries cake for the first time, video goes viral

We all have a comfort food we can’t do without. Be it pizza or french fries, brownies or chocolate milkshakes – these are some common favorites that we all enjoy. Do you remember the first time you tasted one of your favorite dishes? If you want to refresh your memory, then this adorable video is for you. In a video that recently went viral, a little girl was seen tasting the cake for the first time. Funnel cake is basically a donut-like sweet dish that is popular in America. Her cute expressions will make you swoon with her love for food. Watch the viral video here:

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The video was shared by @HoodComedyEnt on Twitter, where it has garnered over 2 million views since it was shared. cute video The girl who tried the funnel cake has also received 145k likes and 18.6k retweets, and the numbers are only increasing.

In the video, we see a little girl sitting in a pram. The adorable baby’s parents give her a piece of delicious funnel cake. She bites, chews it slowly and savors the delicious sweet texture. His expression soon turns into extreme surprise upon tasting the wonderful dessert. She also does a cute jiggle to show how much she enjoyed it sweet treat! Her parents also start laughing seeing how much they like this delicious cake.

The adorable video got a flurry of reactions on social media. Many took notes from the sweet girl who clearly seemed to be enjoying her meal the most. Others wanted to know more about the funnel cake – the recipe that the girl tried.

Take a look at the responses:

What did you think of the sweet girl trying funnel cake? Tell us in the comments.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.