Watch: The fisherman is dragged into the lake by the big fish

Lorent Szabo was fishing in a lake in Hungary when the incident happened.

Looks like we’ve got our hands on a rendition of the classic Moby-Dick story in Hungary. But this is a real incident that happened in Somogi County. A video released on YouTube shows a man named Laurent Szabo who went fishing on Lake Harsasberki on exactly one day in June. Only, it didn’t turn out very well for him. We see him waiting with his fishing rod while a fish pulls him up. He jumps up and tries to drag her to the banks. But in the end he himself falls into the lake.

Mr. Szabo has been fishing the lake since childhood. However, as he sat waiting for a good catch that day, a large catfish caught the bait. Within moments, Mr. Szabo lost control of his fishing line and the rope somehow got cut under the thread and he could no longer pull the brakes. In this way he was pulled into the water by the helpless fish.

The incident was videographed and released earlier that month by Mr. Szabo. It didn’t take long for it to go viral on the internet. in the caption of video on your channell, Mr. Szabo wrote that he struggled for an hour to find his fishing rod in that lake.

Now, the latest quotes Mr. Szabo’s explanation, “The line got stuck, so the giant fish pulled me into the water. The latter managed to catch, it was 66kg.” Indeed, that was a good catch, Mr. Szabo.

Has the video entertained its audience? Of course, it’s done. One person commented with Catfish’s hilarious point of view, “Fish: ‘Hey dude, wanna go for a ride. Another person thought, “I think it was a giant Wales catfish.” A bystander even said in a suggestion, “He seems to have lost his pole and fish. Never let go of the pole.”

One viewer taunted, “Who’s fishing whom.” Another coined a perfect phrase to describe Mr. Szabo’s plight and remarked, “Catfished.”

We’d say Mr. Szabo was lucky it was only one catfish in a county lake. Before that, we saw a Crocodile sneaking up on a group of friends Who went fishing in a lake in Florida.

In the video, a giant alligator is visible out of nowhere while the friends were busy teaching a small fish.

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