WATCH: This Quick Hack Keeps Milk From Boiling; internet affected

The Internet is a wonderful place for everyone. Besides keeping you basically entertained, it literally finds answers to every question you might have. Take this amazing kitchen hack for example. We recently came across a post where a lady shows how you can stop milk from boiling. Suppose we all spilled milk while boiling. It not only wastes milk, but also makes the kitchen dirty and unclean. All you need is a ladle to escape from this whole situation. Yes, you heard! Twitter user Nandita Iyer recently shared a snippet on her handle on how she stops milk from spilling in her kitchen. According to him, while boiling milk, you have to keep a wooden ladle over the pan of milk. “Did you know that placing a wooden ladle over a milk pan stops milk from boiling? #Cookingtip” she wrote along with. Have a look at the video:

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This may raise the question, why the wooden ladle in particular? While you can use a steel ladle, a wooden ladle helps hold the heat, making it easier to use. “How it works: The top layer that traps the steam, when it hits the ladle breaks up and the vapor escapes, the pressure below decreases, preventing it from boiling over. Wood >> Metal of the ladle, as it won’t get hot and won’t burn your fingers,” Nandita Iyer added.

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People on the internet reacted to this hack and garnered nearly 70k views, almost 2k likes and hundreds of comments. While some appreciated this pro-tip, others also shared their share of tips on it.

“Awesome! Didn’t know that. Must try,” wrote one.

Another person shared a tip, “Milk boiler is an even better option. It not only prevents spillage but also whistles when milk is boiling.”

How did you like this wonderful trick? Let us know in the comments below.

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In terms of food, people or places, she craves only to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-chawal and a good movie can make his day.
