Watch: Video of siblings saving the last morsel of food for each other goes viral

We love scrolling through different types of content on the internet. Every day, we get news that is entertaining, informative and at times amusing. On the Internet, you will often see content with children and dogs doing cute things. Recently such a video came in front of us which caught everyone’s attention. It was about a pure bond between siblings; And of course, there were foodie angles to the whole thing. In the video posted on Twitter, we can see the two kids sitting together and enjoying their meal.

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Then, the sister takes more food, but realizing it is the last piece left, puts it back on the plate. In the next clip, Bhai takes the last piece of breakfast without knowing that it is over. When he regains consciousness, he dips the food in the sauce and puts it on his sister’s plate. Seeing this the girl became happy and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. The video was posted by a Twitter handle @TheFigen_ with the caption, “My heart melted.” to keep track:

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Such a heartwarming video; Isn’t it? The video till date has garnered around 12 million views and 459.9k likes and comments.

One wrote, “Mashallah. I have never seen anything more beautiful than this. I am a very strong person, but now I am crying…” Another person commented, “That is too much for her to put back in the bowl.” Lovely. And her response, priceless. It’s really endearing, thanks for sharing.”

A third comment read, “I’ve always wanted a big brother…that’s how I envision it.”

What are your thoughts on the video? Tell us in the comments below.

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About Somdutt SahaExplorer – as Somdutt likes to call himself. She yearns to know the unknown, be it food, people or places. A simple aglio olio pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.