Watch: Viral video shows elephant, trapped in mud for two days, being rescued in Kenya

A video which is now going viral shows the rescue saga of an elephant. A video uploaded by LinkedIn user Lenka Love shows an elephant being rescued from mud. Sometimes when elephants are in search of water, they run into dry dams and get stuck in the mud. “The same happened with these two female elephants. They were trapped in the mud for at least two days before being discovered. Thankfully they survived in a joint operation,” read the caption.

According to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, the incident happened on September 3 when Wildlife Works found footage of two elephants being trapped in a dry dam. They were located in the southern part of Kenya, near the Tanzania border.
The organization was first established when the elephants were alive. have a look:

“We immediately mobilized our helicopter, picked up Dr. Limo from the SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Wet Unit and Wildlife Works senior management before heading south. Wildlife Works had organized vehicles to meet us at the spot, which would be crucial in evacuating the elephants,” the organization said.

It further said that this is the “all-too-normal situation” during the drought. In search of water, elephants try to dry up the dams and get stuck in the mud. With smooth floors and sticky terrain, they are unable to propel themselves to stand. Also, without help, it becomes a life-threatening situation.

One vehicle broke down during the operation. However, once the position was likely, the straps were finally secured and the tractor was put into position. In its official blog, the organization stated, “With an almighty vibe, the woman was freed from her filthy net and pulled onto terra firma. Like the first elephant, she immediately rose to her feet and fled into the woods.” Gone. Both should be completely fine – and, we hope, a little wiser about the dangers of drying soil.”

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