Watch: Woman makes unique ‘Lava Idli’; Leaves the Internet Divided

Usually, when one mentions South Indian cuisine, a variety of delicious dishes would come to your mind. But among all these different things, nothing beats the classic combination of the comforting and soulful idli sambar. The lightness and lightness of the idlis dipped in sambhar is simply divine. We love this dish for its simplicity. However, some people can take their love for idli sambar a step further and create something new out of it. Now we know that you must be wondering what really new can come out of idli sambar. Let us introduce you to the ‘Idli Lava’ which has divided the internet. In a video that is going viral on the internet recently, we can see a woman making idlis filled with sambar. When she cuts the idli, the sambar comes out of it.

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In a video uploaded by Instagram user @swadcooking, we can see the dish being made. Firstly, the lady takes a muffin mold and fills half of the idli batter in it. Then she takes a poori, adds sambar and places it in the center of the half-filled batter. After this, she pours more batter over the top to cover it. Finally, she steams these idli lava. Once it’s done, she shows it to her audience. Check it out here:

Ever since the video was uploaded, it has garnered 274K views, 9K likes and tons of comments. Many people gave mixed reactions to this. First, one person wrote, “It’s so creative, and I don’t know but funny to me, great work anyway.” Then another person said, “Cute version of choco lava cake, only it’s a savory thing.” Several people also said, “It’s super creative,” and “It’s fun. I’ll try that.”

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Contrary to these comments, many also did not like the composition. One user said, ‘Hey man Northies, please stop exploiting our food. Another person also said, “Please leave the idli alone.”

Someone said, “How do you freeze sambar, cut it into small cubes, put it in between layers of idli batter and steam it? Why on earth would you put pani puri in it?”

What do you think about this experiment? Do you