We extend our full support to the Brazilian authorities: PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi. , Photo Credit: ANI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined other world leaders on Monday, January 9, 2023 to express concern Riots in Brasilia It erupted after supporters of former President Bolsonaro attacked the National Congress, the presidential palace and Brazil’s Supreme Court.

Mr Bolsonaro, who is well known in Florida, has refused to acknowledge the October presidential election that he lost to Lula da Silva.

“Deeply concerned about reports of rioting and vandalism against state institutions in Brasilia. Democratic traditions must be respected by all. We extend our full support to the Brazilian authorities,” PM Modi shared on his social media account Prime Minister Modi had earlier congratulated President Lula after he was sworn into office for a third term.

Modi had said, “I wish him a successful third term and look forward to working with him to strengthen the India-Brazil strategic partnership.” India maintained cordial relations with the government of President Bolsonaro, who was invited as the chief guest for the 2020 Republic Day celebrations.

Following the riots, several international figures such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden condemned the violence and destruction carried out by supporters of President Bolsonaro.

“I condemn the attack on democracy and the peaceful transfer of power in Brazil. Brazil’s democratic institutions have our full support and the will of the Brazilian people must not be undermined. I look forward to continuing to work with President Lula.” Looking forward to it,” President Biden said on his official Twitter handle.

“The will of the Brazilian people and democratic institutions must be respected,” President Macron said. The Venezuelan government has also condemned the “political violence” in Brazil and expressed support for the Brazilian people.

Several South American diplomatic missions joined the chorus in protesting the violence that Mr Bolsonaro has refused to condemn.

Notably, some right-wing American commentators and political figures including former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon have supported the rioters, accusing them of “stealing” Brazil’s presidential election.