We need to break the chain of violence in every election

This happened in the 1970s. Elections were held for the post of block head in Uttar Pradesh. But in a village in western UP, where two large families pitted against each other in an electoral battle, the man who lost was indecisive about getting the Allahabad High Court to overturn his opponent’s election. He was prepared to spend a large sum of money to get a favorable judgement.

Several lawyers who came to him told him that his case was weak. But they also told him that there were two points on which he could contest for a favorable verdict. The man chose two eminent lawyers to take up the matter. after all, it was a moustache-question (Question of honor).

The case continued. Meanwhile, his family and his rivals engaged in violent conflict. The verdict was delivered almost four years later and it was not in his favor. Since then, I have been grappling with one question: Why was so much money spent and blood shed to elect a post like block chief?

The violence during the panchayat elections in West Bengal has given birth to this old debate again. It is said that our democracy is passing through Amrit Kaal, but when will we get Amrit?

West Bengal is not immune to violence. Every election here ends in bloodshed. Every time we heard allegations of state-sponsored violence. In the last four decades, the Election Commission has improved its system election by election. This time a sufficient number of central forces were also deployed in West Bengal. Despite this, about 40 people were killed. A total of 72 people were killed across the country during the 2019 election year. It is appalling to have so many deaths in West Bengal alone. Neighboring North East and Jharkhand are also no less notorious in this matter. The question is who is to blame for this massacre? All the victims were men, and most of them were breadwinners for their families.

Let me tell you what I saw in 1974 during the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. A woman candidate was contesting on a Congress ticket. In that constituency, it was customary that no one could win without “blocking” the votes of people from the rival party’s castes. Four days before the election a meeting of the strong men of the candidate’s caste was held at his ancestral mansion. Brother of the Woman – The law proposed a three-pronged strategy: one, how would they prevent opposition supporters from voting in areas where their caste is dominant; two, what they will do to ensure that their own voters can vote without any problems; and three, how bahubali In the event of violence, the people around will reach out for help. While the heated discussion was going on, the female candidate raised an innocuous question: Are you guys talking about firing? Is anyone going to die as a result of this? A furious young man’s passionate reaction: Whoever comes in front will die – Guns shoot fire, milk doesn’t!

On hearing this answer, the woman got angry. What he said was not written in history, but the people sitting there definitely bowed their heads. He said that the kind of violence you are referring to will only kill men. I am not sure whether they will go to heaven or hell when they die, but being a woman, I know their wives will go to hell every day. I will not tolerate it. Still, if anyone dares, I will myself file a complaint with the police. Needless to say, she lost the election and her political career was over.

Bihar and Uttar Pradesh were earlier cursed for allowing such horrific incidents to happen. Considerable progress has been made. If the schemes of the Election Commission have proved effective elsewhere, why do they fail every time in West Bengal?

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is also a woman. He is serving as the Chief Minister for the last 12 years. It is true that it is the responsibility of the Election Commission to prevent election violence, but it is also the responsibility of the state government to prevent such massacres. West Bengal has witnessed an open display of political rivalry since the assembly elections.

Panchayat elections are just a link to that. Some observers are seeing it as a preparation for the Lok Sabha elections. This enlightened state, which has traditionally been a leader in literary and cultural matters, has become a victim of violence. Mamta is a sensitive politician. His reign should also be guided by compassion and tolerance.

She’s not the only one in the cross hairs. Unless the entire political establishment breaks this vicious cycle, elections are doomed to bathe in the blood of their voters.

Shashi Shekhar is the editor-in-chief, India. views are personal,

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Updated: July 16, 2023, 08:47 PM IST