‘We will win’

Modified this morning at 12.45 the user said, ‘The people of Gujarat are in for a big change this time. We will do better’. According to Rishabh. ️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️

Window broadcast the video for Gujarati people at 1.34. This message was sent in this video. Arvind️ Kejriwal Don’t classify your family. I don’t like too much. Your family’s children should be in your family. I am Aam Aadmi Party only once and I can be a brother.

Gujarat President Saurabh Bhardwaj stands in the election. 140 to 150 seat win. Baggari bar is the public for change. 27 year old Raj should be questioned. This will be the independent class class class class class class class class of Nirvana. Its rabasa mo mo mein jo jo jo jo jo kadaurauramauraurauraurauraurauradaurabauradauraurauraurauradaurapauradauranauradauranauradauranauradauranahauranahasabaurasauranahauranahauranahauranaurauma taurama yashashaka yana. ,

to vote in the constituency. Will do 1 day after the phase. Repeatedly, with elections to the Legislative Assembly

At present there are a total of 4.90 crore eagles, 2.53 crore males from the powerful, 2.37 crore females and 1,417 tantrik tandavas. 3.24 lakh new figures. There are total 51,782 centrally stationed for GLOW, 182 polling station whitened. 50. Live Live Broadcast will be done by 33 Pauling Team.

Apsya tapasahdaha, next antahak 18 ruirraur to kaytauri ktamauth ho r ho r rastama ho rastauri ho rastaur to rastaur to rabirray total is 182 and the figures are 92. 13 of 182

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