Wedding Season: Try These Tips To Get Bridal Glow

It may sound strange, but marriage is probably the biggest day of a person’s life. And, who doesn’t want to look their best on their big day? Clothes, jewellery, the right makeup can help to enhance your look but it is the natural glow on your skin that will steal the show. Who better than beauty Shahnaz Hussain to explain the ways to take care of your skin to prep it for the perfect wedding day glow?

getting a facial

To prepare the perfect skin for the big day, preparation should start well in advance. Talking to TOI, Shahnaz Hussain suggested that regular facials should start at least six months before the wedding day. This exercise deeply cleanses the skin and provides the necessary hydration to enhance its natural beauty. Home facials using natural ingredients can also be tried to brighten the skin. On a wedding day, a sandalwood facial can give the final touch to the desired perfect skin tone. Sandalwood has oxidant-rich properties and is great for managing damage caused by free radicals and preventing the formation of wrinkles in the process.

A mixture of sandalwood with honey can also be tried to give the skin the necessary moisture.

multani mitti

Another thing that can get tiring in the process of skincare on a wedding day is Multani Mitti or Fuller’s Earth Facial Back. The natural properties of the pack make it a great remedy for the skin. Multani mitti is a great moisturizer and helps in reducing dark spots during evening out skin texture.

Increase the intake of vitamins D and C in your diet

Increasing the intake of vitamins D and C in your diet will help you to give your skin the necessary nourishment. Vitamin D helps the skin to fight against dark spots, redness, wrinkles and other similar problems that can damage the glow of your skin. Foods such as oily fish, egg yolks and fortified foods can help you provide your body with the required amount of vitamin D. Similarly the inclusion of vitamin C foods like fruits, tomatoes, spinach and others will help in maintaining the health of the skin.


Five months before the wedding, you should start exfoliating twice a week to get rid of the dead cells that have accumulated in your skin. It will also help improve the skin’s absorption abilities of other beauty products. Exfoliation should be followed with application of facial serum for better results.


The serum works on the deeper layer of the skin, removing dark spots and marks, making the skin firmer.

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