Weekend Special: Make this scrumptious Keema Naan for a great weekend meal

Let’s assume; There is something about the weekend that stirs up our deepest and most intense craving. Weekend menus need to be rich and smooth and therefore have lots of spices and flavours. After a whole week rushing from one deadline to the next, we finally have time to sit back and enjoy some of the decadent recipes perfect for a lazy weekend mood. Keeping this in mind, we have brought for you a delicious dish named Keema Naan. You must have enjoyed many delicious butter naans till date, but this recipe is different! Mince naan is made by stuffing delicious and moist minced meat inside the naan; Every single piece of this delicacy is sure to have an explosion of taste in your mouth.

Keema Naan is the perfect weekend dish to make at home

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Keema Naan is the right choice when you are looking for a delicious dish without any hassles. Naan is so delicious that you don’t even need curry to make it. Just make a delicious chutney/dip of your choice and dig in. You can either bake the delicious Keema Naan or make it in a tawa, the process is a bit different but both the results are absolutely saliva-worthy. Interested in a must try this weekend? Here is the recipe for you.

How to make Keema Naan El Keema Naan

Prepare a soft and airy mixture like a pizza base for the dough. You can either use yeast or curd to knead the dough. Knead a soft dough and let it sit for at least two hours. Till then prepare the mince stuffing.

For mince, it is better to cook the meat before adding it to the naan. Uncooked meat once reheated can release excess water and make the naan soft and not as crispy as we would like. Heat oil in a pan and add ginger-garlic paste, minced meat, red chili powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, salt and some coriander leaves. Cook it till the mince is soft and well flavored.

Fill the stuffing in the dough and roll it with light hands. To bake the naan, bake 50% of the naan in a pre-heated oven on a tava (griddle). To make naan in tawa, turn the naan from both the sides till it is lightly cooked. Apply a mixture of egg and milk over the naan to give a shiny restaurant-like finish. Serve hot with a side of your choice.

Click here for the full recipe for Keema Naan.

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Try this meaty dish this weekend, let us know how it turns out in the comments below.
