Weight Loss Diet: How To Make Lauki Idli To Lose Extra Kilos

Idli is undoubtedly one of the most popular South Indian dishes. This delicious cake is usually made by steaming a batter of fermented rice and lentils. They are super light, fluffy and taste best when paired with a bowl of piping hot sambar and Coconut chutney. Not only this, idli is also one of the most preferred options for those who are on a weight loss journey. A plate of idli is a complete meal in itself as it is rich in protein and fiber and helps keep you full for longer. This Lauki Idli is extremely easy to make and can be a healthy addition to your weight loss diet.

Read also: Weight Loss Diet: How To Make Low-Calorie Oats Idli For A Quick Breakfast

Gourd (Gourd) is an excellent source of Vitamin C and has a high water content. It does not contain saturated fat and can also be beneficial for people who are suffering from diabetes. To make this idli, all you need to do is mix roasted semolina with urad dal, curry leaves, grated bottle gourd and a few other spices. Make this delicious idli for breakfast to lose extra weight.

photo credit: iStock

Does idli increase belly fat?

Since idlis are steamed and not fried, they are low in calories and can be extremely beneficial for people who are trying to lose weight. Very less oil is required to make idli, which means it can help in reducing belly fat.

Is bottle gourd a fat burner?

Many studies have shown that bottle gourd helps in rapid weight loss. It contains a good amount of fibre, water and essential vitamins and nutrients. It is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Lauki Idli Recipe: How To Make Lauki Idli

First of all, heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds, urad dal, curry leaves and red chilies. Fry well. Add semolina and fry for about 4-5 minutes. Take it off the flame and let it cool down. Add water and curd to the roasted semolina. Mix well and keep aside for 20 minutes.

Now add grated bottle gourd and chopped coriander to the semolina mixture. Mix well and add salt. Pour the batter into the idli steamer and steam for about 15-20 minutes. Once done, take out in a plate and serve hot. Bottle Gourd Idli is ready!

For the complete recipe of Lauki Idli, Click here.

Try this recipe at home and do let us know how you liked it in the comment section below. If you are looking for more such idli recipes, Click here.

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