Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: How They Differ

Are you on your weight loss journey and not seeing a drop in the numbers on the weighing machine? Don’t worry, this is normal. People who start a fitness regime usually focus on the numbers on the weight machine. They consider the scale drop to be a sign of the effectiveness of their workout routine. However, it is not so. The purpose of exercising for weight loss isn’t really about losing weight, but it’s about burning extra calories and losing fat. Let’s understand how losing weight is different from losing fat to meet our fitness goals.

weight vs fat

Body weight is determined not only by fat but also by muscle mass, bone density, and water in the body. Our weight fluctuates after eating. It won’t be the same throughout the day. If you weigh 50 kg on an empty stomach, then by the end of the day you may have gained weight because of the food and water you have consumed.

Meanwhile, fat is different and is determined by the things we eat. The amount of body fat can increase our body weight but is not the only reason for weight gain. Increasing fat causes many other problems in the body such as cholesterol, hypertension and obesity.

What should be our focus?

Instead of losing weight, you should focus on reducing the amount of fat in your body. Your workout routine should include exercises that burn fat fast and make us feel fit from outside and inside. If we try to rely only on the weighing machine, our goals may not be achieved so quickly. Fat burning also means losing extra inches from the waist, arms and other parts of the body.

Once you start losing fat, eventually, the scale will drop by some number as well because the body is losing something that contributes to the increased weight. Sometimes, a person who is overweight may not weigh as much as their body seems, this is because they have less body mass.

Therefore, to get the right fit physique, focus on losing weight and not on losing weight.

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