Welcome summer with these 6 Vitamin-C rich drinks

As the summer season approaches, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Consuming citrus drinks rich in Vitamin C provides many benefits. These beverages provide essential nutrients that effectively combat the common cold, as well as bioactive compounds and antioxidants that enhance the body’s natural defenses and improve immunity. To replenish the daily intake of Vitamin C, it is essential to include fruits and vegetables such as oranges, kiwi, strawberries, capsicum, broccoli and spinach.

Although there are many foods that can restore the level of Vitamin C in our body, the most effective way is to extract their juice and consume them regularly. There are many citrus-based drinks that you can add to your diet. To help you plan your summer menu, we have compiled a list of Vitamin C rich beverages.

Here are 6 citrusy drink ideas to get your daily Vitamin C fix:

1. Fresh Orange Juice

We love oranges, don’t we? The sweet and tangy taste and its pleasant aroma make everything better. It is easy to squeeze oranges into juice at home either by hand or with a juicer. Your freshly squeezed orange juice is ready.

Super citrusy orange juice is a must to beat the heat. photo credit: iStock

2. Lemonade

Many of us love to drink lemonade in summers, don’t we? It is energetic and very simple to prepare. All you need to do is squeeze some lemon in the soda and add black salt and sugar and voila, your super-energizing summer drink is ready! If you don’t like it fizzy, skip the soda and quench your thirst by adding lemon juice to regular water.


Cool yourself off with a refreshing glass of lemonade.

3. Sour Pineapple Juice

Pineapple is not only delicious but also provides a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals. It is rich in important nutrients like manganese, copper, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, all of which play an important role in maintaining a healthy body. To enjoy the benefits of this tropical fruit, you can easily make pineapple juice at home and add black pepper and sugar to balance its tart taste.

Read also: 13 Delicious Detox Drink Recipes | easy detox drinks

4. Sweet litchi juice

Moderate consumption of litchi can help a person meet their daily vitamin C requirements as this simple fruit is naturally rich in the nutrient. For a delicious summer drink, mix soda with lychee juice to make a delicious lychee punch. You can also add some fresh mint leaves for extra refreshing aroma.


Easy litchi punch can be prepared at home photo credit: iStock

5. Watermelon Juice

Watermelon is a good source of antioxidants and nutrients. The high water content of watermelon keeps you hydrated and satiated for a long time. It is juicy and sweet, which makes it an ideal treat to quench your thirst in the hot summer.

Read also: 7 refreshing desi drinks to keep you hydrated during the summer months

6. Strawberry Juice

Strawberries are famous for their taste, color and aroma. In addition, it is a great source of Vitamin C. Add strawberry juice to your regular diet and enjoy your incredibly amazing homemade juices.


The Juicy Berry Drink You Can Try This Summer photo credit: iStock

Read also: 6 fruity drink recipes to enjoy this summer

So, there you have it, six delicious and refreshing drinks loaded with Vitamin C to help you stay healthy and hydrated during the hot summer months.

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