What is conjunctivitis or pink eye? about the disease

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This is one or the upper part of one eye. Germs Germs Germs Germs, pathogens. germs without germs – from a state of infection to a state of disease when the condition is similar to that of a germ germ, as of a disease.

Some common ones to diagnose Pin Eye are; For example, redness in the eye, weather and weather. Infectious germ infection or germ infection, especially at the time of symptom, I insect with insect Insect to be infected in disease with insect pest.

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Kanjan can be useful to be better as well as to be better, to be useful as well as to be good. These types of viral diseases are caused by mucous viruses. After the stats are fixed, it is ok to solve for the disease to be cured. In addition, hemotoxicity is associated with mucosal atrophy. Applying a cold compress to the eye may help.

The disease is the observance of personal hygiene to prevent germs, germ-infectious and disease conjunctival shot. Washing hands regularly, keeping hands away from eyes and avoiding sharing of personal items that come in contact with the eye or eyelid are some of the best practices that can be followed. Mascara, in particular, can aggravate the eyelid and contact lenses of artificial eyes.


There is an eye infection on the ocular mucosal lens; The healthcare provider is important. , If the infection is more severe then it is developing.

(Dr. Pratyush Ranjish, Wang, Refresh and Glucomag, Vamaji Eye Disease, Varanasi)

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