What is Ramsay Hunt syndrome diagnosed by Justin Bieber?

Popstar Justin Bieber, 28, revealed on Instagram that he has been diagnosed with a rare disorder that unfortunately leaves half of his face paralyzed. The popstar shared in her post that she was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome after a virus damaged her ear nerves.

In a three minute long Instagram video, Justin Biber Said that the condition he was suffering from was “quite serious.” She is currently on her Justice tour in North America and has canceled performances in Toronto, Washington DC and New York.

The popstar said, “It’s from this virus that attacks the nerve in my facial nerve to my ear and causes my facial paralysis. As you can see, it’s not blinking. I Can’t smile on this side of my face. This nostril won’t move, so I have complete paralysis on this side of my face.”

What is Ramsay Hunt Syndrome?

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, also known as herpes zoster oticus, is a late complication of varicella-zoster virus infection, resulting from inflammation of the geniculate ganglion of cranial nerve VII.

The condition is described as “a triad of the ipsilateral” Facial paralysisOtalgia, and vesicles near the ear and auditory canal” and unfortunately its diagnosis is often missed or delayed, which can lead to aggravation of long-term complications. The disorder is thought to be self-limiting, but treatment is short lived. It is targeted to provide analgesia along with the total duration of illness and prevent complications from occurring.

Named after James Ramsay Hunt, a physician who first described the disorder in 1907, the disorder is sometimes referred to as herpes zoster oticus because of the characteristic ear rash.

What are the symptoms of Ramsay Hunt syndrome?

Symptoms of Ramsay Hunt syndrome include paralysis of the facial nerve (palsy) and a rash affecting the ears. Often, only one side of the face is affected, and nerve palsy can cause the affected facial muscles to become weak or feel stiff and may result in the affected person being unable to smile, wrinkle the forehead, or close their eyes on the affected side. can be. Additionally, in some cases, speech may be slurred.

Other symptoms of Ramsay Hunt syndrome include a red, painful, blistering rash affecting the outer part of the ear and the outer ear canal, rash including painful blisters, affecting the mouth, soft palate, and top part of the throat. Facial palsy may occur in some patients with evidence of varicella-zoster virus through testing. Additionally, earache can be intense and radiate to the neck, in some cases causing permanent hearing loss.

What causes this debilitating syndrome?

According to the US-based National Organization for Rare Diseases, Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox and shingles.

It is important to note that the virus can lie dormant for decades in a person who has had chickenpox as a child. “Reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus causes shingles and, in some cases, develops into Ramsay Hunt syndrome,” the report said. Interestingly, the reactivation of the virus in Ramsay Hunt syndrome and its effect on the facial nerve do not have a real cause. known so far.

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