What is the effect of air pollution on the eyes?

Toxic air is increasing in Delhi and its surrounding areas and according to experts, the air we breathe is full of toxic chemicals and dangerous particles. According to some pollution studies, the air quality in NCR is as dire as smoking forty cigarettes a day.

Air pollution has harmful effects on almost all our organs including lungs, heart and bones. Long-term exposure to air pollution is also destroying eye health and eyesight in general. Air pollution can cause dry eye conditions, watering and irritation, impaired vision and even glaucoma if exposed to regularly, and the consequences can be irreversible.

Pollutants in the environment can also develop chemical conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the lining, which is a thin transparent layer of connective tissue that borders the inner part of the eyelids and covers the white area of ​​the eye. Treatment includes careful saline flushing of the eyes and, in some cases, topical steroids.

There are several steps that can be taken to reduce the risk. Let’s take a look at what they are:

Of course, the golden guideline is to avoid exposure to dangerous toxins. On days when there is a general health alert, please stay home, especially in the morning when pollution levels are at their highest. If you are unable to prevent exposure to the environment and must go outside, use protective goggles to reduce exposure to polluting substances.

Wash hands frequently and avoid touching eyes. Stay hydrated as this will help in the development of the tear. This becomes important when environmental factors such as pollution increase the chances of experiencing dry eyes and eye discomfort. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily is a great solution. Eat a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, spinach, almonds, walnuts, berries and fish, which are especially beneficial for the eyes. Use sunglasses when going out. Also, avoid rubbing your eyes if you feel a burning sensation.

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