What Not to Order at Team Lunch: Top 5 Foods to Avoid

Imagine this: You’re out to lunch with your boss and the team. After a long wait the food arrives during which you are forced to make small talk. You’re so happy to finally eat. you dig carefully but it’s noodles And gravy – after all, they are difficult to handle. A splash of sauce stains your white shirt as you try to rub them on your fork. This isn’t a detergent ad, so there’s no magical quick way to fix this situation. you can try to get spot Later out, but you’ve already embarrassed yourself. Such accidents do happen, but it is better to avoid them altogether. You can avoid uncomfortable situations like this by being more careful about what you choose to eat. By making strategic decisions about what to order at team lunches, you can ensure that you maintain your professional image and manage to meaningfully connect with your colleagues. Here are 5 foods you should specifically stay away from during a business meal:

5 foods to avoid at team lunches:

1. Burger

While some burgers are relatively flat, there are hazards such as unevenly spread sauce. Also, unlike regular fast food chains, dine-in restaurants nowadays pride themselves on preparing giant burgers with multiple layers. There’s no way to eat a dish like this without attracting a lot of attention. Your best bet is to stick to foods that are always easy to handle.

Most burgers are too messy to eat in a professional setting. photo credit: iStock

(Also Read: 7 easy recipes to make burgers at home,

2. Noodles and Spaghetti

When trying a new restaurant, many of us like to try familiar dishes out of habit. However, stop and consider whether these dishes are easy to eat in front of company. Noodles and spaghetti are common choices, but they are usually greasy. Oilgravy or sauce. This makes it difficult not only to pick them up but also to keep them in your mouth without gulping. Even basic etiquette dictates that noise is a big no-no while eating. This is the reason why you should stay away from tacos during such meals.


It’s hard to eat spaghetti without diluting it. photo credit: iStock

3. Bone-Based Meat

Bone-based meat or fish is another category that you should avoid. You’ll be forced to use your hands to do justice to them, which can quickly turn into a mess. Their juice can spread all over your hands. Also, some of these recipes have a distinct smell that others may not like. Opt for boneless preparations wherever possible, or choose only vegetarian dishes.
(Also Read: How To Make Mutton Pepper Fry: Perfect For A Quick Mid-Week Indulgence,


The flesh on the bones is difficult to handle and can have a strong aroma. photo credit: iStock

4. Specialty Salad

You must be wondering what is wrong with salad. After all, they usually contain minimal liquids, so they won’t stain. The vegetables are already chopped, so you don’t have to worry about that either. Furthermore, they are specifically made to be eaten with cutlery and not with one’s hands. But some salads are risky because they can contain ingredients like large leaves, which are difficult to chew thoroughly. Also, some vegetables like broccoli often get stuck in your teeth. This implies another scenario where you embarrass yourself. So be careful before ordering a salad.
(Also Read: Hate Salad? This Cheesy Italian Pasta Recipe Will Change Your Mind,


Some vegetables are more likely to get stuck in your teeth. photo credit: iStock

5. Onion and Garlic

Onions and garlic form the basis for many Indian dishes and are also served in the form of rings or chutneys. But be careful with these as they can cause bad breath after eating them. That’s why say no to garlic bread and Onion Fritters (Onion Pakora or Onion Fritters). When you are not sure, ask the waiter if a particular dish has onion/garlic or if any Jain dishes are available. You can also request that they be specifically removed from your dish. For example, if you’ve ordered kebabs or tikka rolls, ask for capsicum instead of onions. Remember that people are usually seated very close to each other at team lunches and bad breath can quickly create an adverse effect. It’s best to stay away from such foods altogether, as you won’t get a chance to pop breath mints between courses.
(Also Read: How to Chop Garlic: An Easy Way to Preserve Garlic for Months,


Garlic can cause bad breath and should therefore be avoided during commercial meals. photo credit: iStock

Keep in mind that these meals are about networking and not the food. You can always enjoy your favorite dish afterwards. Even when food-based accidents aren’t outrageous, they can cost you time and opportunities for professional growth.

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