when every leaf is a flower

When autumn comes out, the weather inside starts getting better too

When autumn comes out, the weather inside starts getting better too

Can you hear the footprints of autumn? Do you see low humidity? Waking up early feels the soft, gentle touch of the changing weather.

Although this year the rains have not stopped completely. The peaceful coexistence of autumn and rain is creating a different kind of weather. When autumn comes out, the weather inside starts getting better too. Sweet waves of gaiety rise from the sultry heart. Summer is now eager to settle in the embrace of autumn with its many burning pains.

Clouds of deranged, undisciplined rain in the sky and despair in the heart are beginning to subside; A ray of hope is peeking through. The body tired from the humidity and heat is now able to breathe a sigh of freshness after a long time. All nature is blooming with the seasons; The fragrance is caressing the soul. The remains of Madhumalati flowers are giving a message of laughter even after her natural demise.

Gorky the cat lays on the carpet at night as the bare floor gets a little cold. The wall-crawling cold-blooded lizards are now preparing for a long hibernation with other reptiles in their community. Autumn is the first, sweetest smile of the year. Realizing this is a blessing in itself. Although there is always a foul smell of fear and doubt in the human world, yet nature continues to give positive signals. Whether we pay attention to them or not.

These days a unique play of colors is being seen in the sky. The rain clouds are almost gone, to rest, or to soak the dry corners of the earth where people are now eagerly waiting for them. When you look at the autumn sky, the mind becomes light. The mind immediately becomes aware of its meaning. As when looking at the mountains and the sea, as one sees the rising sun from behind Kangchenjunga and the setting sun at Nagarkot.

Sufi mystic Jalaluddin Mohammad Rumi used to say that the sky is visible from the heart and not the eyes. He must have said this only after looking at the autumn sky. When the clouds disperse, the sky behind appears. No matter how sad the mind is, seeing the open sky, it blossoms. In this autumn, like flowers bloom on the earth, innumerable colors bloom in the sky. There is a secret pact between the earth and the sky to please the depressed human mind. As if the two together have decided to entertain the depressed humanity. In the months of September and October, the skies just before the fall are wonderful. The countless colours, the light falling here and there on the scattered clouds, the vast emptiness of the sky, its cleanliness, all fill the mind with profound gratitude for the unknown. How far and inaccessible does this sky appear! Autumn is the farewell song of monsoon. Rain is the festival of purification of nature. Then some invisible bird scatters every conceivable color on the canvas of the clear sky already washed in the rain. No one can even count, there are so many colors!

The autumn sky is like the mind of a meditating sage. It is as if there is silence in the silence of the dialogue between Buddha and Mahakashyap. There are as many clouds in the sky as there should be thoughts in the mind. As many as are necessary. Neither do they clash with each other, nor do they have any discord. It is said that the relation of thoughts with the mind is exactly like this. Thoughts do not cover that mind completely; They are there, but at the same time there is enough room left for passive observation and silence. Nature has already laid before us a gross external model for each subtle state of mind. We just have to see it, learn from it and take it within ourselves.

Have you noticed that the saptaparni tree (devil’s tree) is blooming a little earlier this year? With its intoxicating aroma, it calls out to passers-by who have time to stop for a while to see it. The clusters of flowers between the seven leaves are the saptaparni gift or naivedya given to welcome autumn. Autumn is also the season of Harsingar or night jasmine. Bella (Maid Orleans) is for spring or spring which Harsingar is for autumn. Autumn weather is condescending. It has its own special hobbies; It comes with lavish decorations, gaiety and grandeur.

Autumn is the time to leave the old and look for the new. These days white flowers of Kans grass are visible outside the city in the plains. As if the earth had woven a white blanket to prepare for the coming winter. When Kansa flowers swing with the wind, the mind also swings with them. The moon of Sharad Purnima is “notorious” in the world of art and literature for its beauty! Seeing this, time stops. What to say about the beauty of autumn! Albert Camus used to say: “Autumn is another spring, when every leaf is a flower.”
