When is Falgun Purnima 2024? Know date, purnima tithi, significance and more

Image Source : GOOGLE Falgun Purnima 2024: Date, purnima tithi and more

Falgun Purnima, literally meaning ‘Full Moon of Phalguna,’ is a significant day in Hinduism. It falls on the last full moon day of the lunar year in the Phalguna month, usually around March. This day marks the culmination of the Hindu year and is believed to be highly auspicious.

Celebrations include Holika Dahan, a ritual bonfire symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. It also heralds spring’s arrival and is observed by fasting, worshipping Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi for blessings, and sometimes, even considered the birthday of Lakshmi.

Falgun Purnima 2024: Date and Tithi

Falgun Purnima 2024 Date: March 24, 2024

Purnima tithi begins: 09:54 AM on March 24, 2024

Purnima tithi ends: 12:29 PM on March 25, 2024

Falgun Purnima 2024: Significance

Falgun Purnima is significant for several reasons:

Holi: This vibrant festival of colours coincides with Falgun Purnima. The day before, known as Choti Holi or Holika Dahan, signifies the burning of negativity.

Lakshmi Jayanti: Falgun Purnima also marks the birth anniversary of Goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of wealth and prosperity. Devotees perform special pujas and seek her blessings.

Satyanarayana vrata: Many devotees observe a day-long fast on Falgun Purnima dedicated to Lord Vishnu, seeking his blessings for peace and happiness.

Spiritual significance: As with all Purnima days, Falgun Purnima is considered auspicious for spiritual practices like meditation, fasting, and charity.

Falgun Purnima 2024: Puja Rituals 

  • Early morning bath: Devotees typically take a pre-dawn bath in a holy river or at home.
  • Fasting: Observing a day-long fast is an optional practice on Falgun Purnima.
  • Puja: Devotees worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. They offer prayers, flowers, and traditional offerings.
  • Holika dahan: The evening before Falgun Purnima, people light a bonfire (Holika Dahan) symbolizing the burning of negativity.
  • Holi celebrations: On the day of Falgun Purnima, people celebrate Holi by playing with colours, enjoying sweets, and spending time with loved ones.

ALSO READ: Holi 2024: When is Holi? Know significance, rituals, puja timings, and more about the Festival of Colours