When is International Labour Day 2024? Know date, history, significance and more

Image Source : GOOGLE International Labour Day 2024: Date, history and more

International Labour Day, also known as May Day, is celebrated on May 1st every year to honour the contributions of workers worldwide. It serves as a reminder of the historic struggles and achievements of the labour movement, advocating for better working conditions, fair wages, and workers’ rights. As we approach International Labour Day 2024, let’s delve into its history, significance, and how it is observed globally.

International Labour Day 2024: Date

International Labour Day, also known as May Day or Workers’ Day, is celebrated annually on May 1st. In 2024, it falls on a Wednesday. This day holds immense significance for workers worldwide, recognising their contributions and advocating for their rights and fair working conditions.

International Labour Day 2024: History

The origins of International Labour Day can be traced back to the 19th-century labour movement in the United States. On May 1st, 1886, American workers went on strike demanding an eight-hour workday. This pivotal moment in labour history culminated in the tragic events of the Haymarket Affair in Chicago, where a bomb explosion during a labour rally led to casualties among both workers and police officers.

In the aftermath of these events, the international socialist movement adopted May 1st as a day to commemorate the struggles of workers and fight for better working conditions. In 1889, during the Second International Meeting in Paris, a resolution was passed to hold an annual demonstration on May 1st for the eight-hour workday. This marked the official beginning of International Labour Day as a global event.

International Labour Day 2024: Significance

International Labour Day holds significant importance globally for several reasons:

Celebrating workers’ achievements: It is a day to honour the contributions of workers to society and acknowledge their role in shaping economies and communities.

Advocating for workers’ rights: May Day serves as a platform to advocate for fair wages, safe working conditions, and labour rights. It highlights ongoing challenges faced by workers worldwide and the need for continued activism and solidarity.

Solidarity and unity: The observance of International Labour Day fosters solidarity among workers across different sectors and countries. It emphasises the importance of collective action in addressing common concerns and achieving social justice.

Historical remembrance: May Day commemorates the struggles and sacrifices of past generations of workers who fought for basic rights and freedoms. It reminds us of the progress made and the challenges that still lie ahead in ensuring dignity and justice for all workers.

International Labour Day 2024: Celebrations

Labour Day is recognised as a national holiday in numerous countries, with various events and seminars arranged to showcase workers’ accomplishments and contributions. In certain regions, marches and demonstrations are conducted, accompanied by posters and banners aimed at promoting awareness about workers and their entitlements.

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