WHO Global Center in Jamnagar will emerge as an international hub: PM Modi

New Delhi : The WHO Global Center for Traditional Medicine (GCTM) will be the first and only global outpost center for traditional medicine across the world as it emerges as an international center of global wellness, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said while laying the foundation stone of WHO. GCTM in Jamnagar on Tuesday.

“Jamnagar’s contribution will get global recognition with Wellness WHO’s global center for traditional medicine,

It is worth noting that more than five decades ago the world’s first Ayurvedic University was established in Jamnagar.

Modi said: “India’s traditional system of medicine is not limited to treatment. It is the holistic science of life. Ayurveda goes beyond just treatment and remedies. Ayurveda also includes social health, mental health—happiness, environmental health, empathy, compassion, and productivity. Ayurveda is considered to be the knowledge of life and the fifth Veda.

Prime Minister noted the growing demand for AyurvedaMany countries are emphasizing on traditional medicine to combat the pandemic in the form of globally proven, Unani formulations.

The GCTM will set five targets. first, to create a database of traditional knowledge systems using technology; Second, it will create international standards for testing and certification of traditional medicines to increase confidence in these medicines. Third, GCTM should develop into a platform where global experts traditional medicine Come together and share experiences. Fourth, the GCTM should raise funds for research in traditional medicine. Finally, GCTM should develop protocols for holistic treatment of specific diseases so that patients can benefit from both traditional and modern medicine.

The event was attended by the Prime Minister of Mauritius Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Health Minister and Union Minister of Gujarat.

“The new center will focus on data, innovation and sustainability and optimize the use of traditional medicine. The center will have five core areas: Research and Leadership, Evidence and Education, Data and Analysis, Sustainability and Equity and Innovation and Technology,” Dr Tedros said.

The Prime Minister of Mauritius highlighted the importance of indigenous medical systems and herbal products in different cultures.

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