Who’s waiting? Cafe bills customers for ‘business space’, Twitter fury

A visit to our favorite restaurant or cafe is nothing short of an experience, especially in the post-pandemic era. We hit up our much-loved local spots for a lively atmosphere, refreshing drinks and good food. When paying for services at any restaurant, there are certain things that we automatically assume are included in the price of the dishes. For example, the cost of electricity, restaurant space rent, ingredients used in cooking, and more. Imagine the surprise of a customer when his bill at a cafe included an allegation of occupying his place! Believe it or not, a cafe in Guatemala billed a customer for ‘business space’. Check out the tweet here:

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The tweet was shared by user @jpdardon and was a picture of an invoice from a cafe called ‘La Esquina Coffee Shop’ located in the city of Quetzaltenago. Guatemala, The bill, mentioned in Spanish, contained three items and turned out to be a total of 58 quetzels, or ‘cue’, which is the currency used in the country. Whereas the price of canned soda was very high in Q8, the price of cheese potatoes in Q20, and the price of ‘business space’ in Q25. “Most expensive Q58.30 in history. Troll the restaurant,” the user wrote in his tweet in Spanish.

It’s not clear what the restaurant meant by ‘business space’ and why they charged the customer for it. Some reports suggested it was for restroom use, while other users speculated that it was for table and chair use. restaurant, Many Twitter users were outraged by the bill shared on Twitter, which was circulated across all platforms. “Cost a customer who consumes less—usually a lot,” said one response, while another wrote, “I’ve been to that cafe more than once (about a year ago). I must say it So lonely, that I wonder if it’s because of this.”

Meanwhile, La Esquina Coffee Shop sat down and took note of the online chatter. He issued a statement about the incident, saying it was an ‘involuntary grave error’ that was a one-time, isolated incident, and not Policy, He further said that the error in his system has already been rectified and sought an apology for the same. “Being an isolated error, in the most polite manner we offer a public apology to our admiring and loyal customers,” he wrote in the statement. Take a look at his post on Instagram:

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“We inform that our administration is already making every effort to contact the affected person to get the said refund and to compensate for the provocative damages, which should not be done as it is not according to our . principles“Guatemala Café in Spanish wrote. Let us emphasize that this type of collection has never been made in the past, nor will it be made,” he said.

What do you think of a cafe billing its customer for a business location? Tell us in the comments.