Why are autoimmune disorders on the rise? – times of India

50-year-old Sushma Reddy suddenly developed mouth ulcers. Unaware of the real reason, he visited several doctors, but got no relief. The wounds continued to grow and reached a point where she was unable to eat properly. Visiting an immunologist revealed that she was suffering from an autoimmune disorder.

There are many reports that point to a rapidly increasing number of autoimmune conditions. For the uninformed, autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly starts attacking the body’s organs, tissues, and cells. It is increasingly an important cause of morbidity in patients.

Dr. Rohini Samant, Consultant Rheumatologist, PD Hinduja Hospital and MRC, Mahim, Mumbai explained the reason, “Although many infectious diseases have been better controlled over the years, there is a steady increase in the prevalence of autoimmune diseases. One of the reasons for this is the increased awareness and understanding of these diseases in the last 2-3 decades, due to which they are being increasingly recognized. In addition, several lifestyle factors such as dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, increased stress and environmental pollutants contribute to the occurrence of these diseases.

According to doctors, the reason behind many autoimmune diseases remains unknown, however, in combination with other infections or environmental factors and exposures, one’s genes may play an important role in its onset.

symptoms to watch out for

Depending on the organ or system involved, autoimmune disease can have a variety of symptoms. Often the symptoms are isolated initially and may be mild, which can lead to delays in reaching the doctor. However, in general, if any of the following symptoms occur for six weeks to 3 months, this should raise suspicion of autoimmune connective tissue disease. it includes

persistent joint pain

Swelling with morning stiffness

muscle pain or weakness

photosensitive rashes on the body

frequent mouth ulcers

dry eyes and mouth

Skin tightness on fingers and face

persistent dry cough

A patient with these symptoms should seek the help of a rheumatologist/immunologist.

According to Dr Sandeep Surendran MD DM, Clinical Assistant Professor, Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Amrita Hospital, Kochi, the presentation of autoimmune diseases can range from single organ diseases like autoimmune thyroiditis, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis to multiorgan diseases like systemic . Lupus erythematosus, Wegener’s granulomatosis and Sjogren’s syndrome. In general, the incidence of autoimmune diseases is twice as high in women as in men; Often with the disease starting during a woman’s childbearing years (ages 15 to 44).

Does homeopathy treat autoimmune diseases?

Homeopathy, a system of alternative medicine, has a whole branch of medicine that is based on immune and autoimmune disorders known as psychoneuroimmunology. Dr. Pankaj Aggarwal, homeopathic physician, explains, “As the name suggests, it means psyche-hormone-immunity. And they have two-way communication with each other. Your stress affects your hormones, which alter immunity. Thereafter, the altered immunity and hormones affect the psyche thus setting up a vicious cycle. All of this eventually leads to diseases we call autoimmune disorders. It takes years to develop and then suddenly a person experiences symptoms like joint pain, which on examination turns out to be rheumatoid arthritis. Dr Aggarwal claims that homeopathy digs deep into a patient’s history and then decides on the medicine that can reverse it permanently. He has also warned that autoimmune disorders will continue to increase in the times to come.

COVID and autoimmune disorders

Dr Samant shared an interesting preliminary observation with respect to Covid-19 infection, which has the potential to cause new onset or worsening of an existing autoimmune disease. This requires long-term study.

There have also been cases of autoimmune diseases such as MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome) during COVID-19 in children.

The pandemic also contributed to delays in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disorders, as did the difficulty in accessing doctors and patient hesitation to seek medical help, especially in the early part of the pandemic when there was a total lockdown. Along with this, there was also difficulty in procuring medicines during this period. This was partly mitigated by telemedicine which took off in a big way during the pandemic.

Read more:
4 Autoimmune Conditions That Can Make You Gain or Lose Weight


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