Why do dogs bow their heads while listening to their owner? New Study Answers

Dog lovers love everything their pets do. Many even spend their entire day observing the antics of their dogs. The relationship between humans and dogs is very special and humans understand the reason behind most of the dog’s activities. But there was one thing that not many people knew about.

We all often wonder why dogs tilt their heads in one direction while listening to humans. Hungarian scientists have discovered the reason behind the dog’s movement.

Scientists at Iotvos Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary, have discovered why dogs tilt their heads to one side when listening to humans. People believed that dogs did this when they could not obey humans.

However, research shows that it is quite the opposite. During the research, dog owners were asked to name different toys to their pets. In doing so, scientists studied the movements of dogs. It was found that there is a correlation between the movement of the animal’s head and the voice of the owner.

Studies have shown that dogs tilt their heads according to the tone of the voice. When the owner says something in a convincing tone, the dog bows its head and listens attentively. Scientists have claimed that a dog’s breed also plays a role in its activities.

Dogs of the more intelligent breed learn quickly, listen to their owners more carefully and tilt their heads to one side. At least 40 dogs of different breeds bowed their heads 43% of the time. Whereas the breeds considered less intelligent tilted their heads in one direction only 2% of the time the research was conducted.

Researchers have said that when animals listen carefully, they tilt their heads. However, more research is needed in this area as it is possible that when a dog tilts its head it forms an image in its head. It will be known only after research.

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