Why is Kajal Cocktail, the viral Tik Tok makeup trend perfect for everyone?

This mascara hack that went viral on TikTok and Instagram reels is here to save the day

The struggle of trying to keep your mascara on your lashes without smudging is real. This mascara hack that went viral on TikTok is here to save the day

It’s no secret that mascara is a staple in almost every makeup routine. It can make your eyes look bigger, brighter and more awake. But let’s face it, applying mascara can also be a nightmare, especially if you have hooded or monolid eyes. The struggle of trying to keep your mascara on your lashes without smudging them is real. Thankfully this mascara hack that has gone viral on TikTok and Instagram reels is here to save the day.

Mascara cocktailing is a method in which you mix different mascaras together to create a custom lash look. It’s a technique that’s been used by makeup artists and beauty enthusiasts for years, combining volumizing and lengthening formulas, or layering thickening formulas for a fuller, false lash effect. A recent trend on TikTok has brought this technique to a wider audience, with users showing off transformative results and sharing their favorite mascara combinations to achieve different looks, such as longer and curlier or thicker and voluminous lashes.

“The reason this hack is so popular is that it solves two common mascara problems in one fell swoop. Firstly, it gives you that desired length and volume that we all want from our mascara. By slowly curling your lashes upward while applying mascara, you ensure that each eyelash is covered from root to tip, giving you that full and fluffy effect,” says makeup artist Mehak Kawatra.

Secondly, it prevents the mascara from getting on your lashes. “If you’ve ever spent ages perfecting your eyeshadow with a mascara wand only to ruin it, you’ll know how frustrating it can be. But by using a piece of tape to cover your lids, you can ensure that the mascara only goes where it’s supposed to — on your lashes,” says Kawatra.

But there is another reason why this hack has taken the internet by storm. How satisfying it is to see Kawatra find it! “There’s something oddly satisfying about peeling off the tape and revealing perfectly coated lashes underneath. It’s like a mini makeover in seconds.

Of course, as is the case with any viral beauty trend, there are always risks to be aware of. Some people may find that the tape irritates the delicate area of ​​their eye, so it’s important to be cautious and test the hack on a small area first. “Always be careful when applying anything near your eyes, and if you feel any irritation or discomfort, stop immediately and consult a medical professional. It’s also important to make sure you use the right type of tape.” doing—something gentle like micro-pore or paper tape is ideal,” says Kawatra.

If you’re tired of messy mascara and want to get flawless lashes every now and then, try this viral hack. It’s quick, easy, and will leave you with stunning lashes that last all day. Who knows, you might even inspire your friends to try it for themselves. Just be prepared for the inevitable flood of compliments that will come your way!

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