Why is planning essential to achieve financial freedom? MintGenie explains

Financial freedom is a concept subject to individual perspectives, but it typically denotes a condition wherein one possesses sufficient command over their finances, enabling them to make decisions aligned with their aspirations and objectives, unrestricted by financial constraints.

To achieve financial freedom, one must grasp the fundamentals of financial security. This entails possessing ample income or savings to comfortably meet expenses, without the burden of unexpected costs or emergencies. It also involves establishing a safety net and planning for the future.

Achieving financial freedom

Attaining financial freedom is not a one-size-fits-all journey, as it hinges on your unique circumstances, objectives, and risk tolerance. Nevertheless, here are a few overarching actions you can consider:

  • Clearly articulate your “why” and “what”: What motivates your pursuit of financial freedom? In terms of lifestyle, time, and choices, what significance does it hold for you? A well-defined vision will serve as both inspiration and a compass for your decision-making. How much money would you require to perceive yourself as financially liberated? Be pragmatic and take into account forthcoming expenses such as healthcare.
  • Monitor your income and expenditures: Gain insight into your expenditure patterns by formulating a budget and scrutinizing your spending over a few months. Pinpoint areas where reductions can be made, allowing you to redirect funds toward savings or investments.
  • Getting rid of high-interest loans: Elevated interest debts, such as those from credit cards, can impede your advancement considerably. Give precedence to settling these debts initially, employing approaches like the debt avalanche or snowball method.
  • Building an emergency fund: Strive to set aside funds equivalent to three to six months of living expenses to safeguard against unforeseen costs and prevent incurring debt in emergencies.
  • Try alternate income options: Discover avenues to enhance your earning capacity by pursuing career growth, engaging in freelancing, exploring side hustles, or investing in assets that generate income.
  • Plan your investments: Initiate your investment journey at an early stage, even with modest amounts, to harness the potency of compound interest. Select investment avenues that align with your risk tolerance and time horizon.
  • Opt for a frugal lifestyle: Guard against lifestyle inflation as your income rises. Prioritize needs over wants and refrain from impulsive purchases.
  • Automate your savings: Establish automated transfers to savings and investment accounts to guarantee steady and consistent advancement.
  • Be financially literate: Persistently educate yourself on personal finance, investing, and wealth management to make well-informed decisions.
  • Seek expert advice: Contemplate seeking advice from a financial advisor for personalized guidance and customized strategies.

Have you invested rightly?

Securing assets that yield increasing cash flows is essential for attaining genuine financial freedom. Dependence solely on employment income restricts options and flexibility. Ownership of assets generating passive income establishes a safety net and diminishes reliance on conventional employment, emphasizing the importance of having an income derived from assets.

As inflation naturally leads to an increase in expenses, the cash flows from your assets must align with this rise to sustain your desired lifestyle. Reinvesting a portion of your earnings enables your wealth to grow exponentially, countering the effects of inflation. True financial freedom necessitates safeguarding your asset base from value erosion.

Having a financial plan in place

Financial planning is deeply personal and relies on individual circumstances and goals. A universal approach that fits everyone wouldn’t be effective in this context. Initially, your priorities and requirements will vary based on your age and life stage. Young adults may concentrate on managing student loans and establishing emergency funds, while retirees might prioritize income protection and healthcare planning.

Initially, your priorities and requirements will vary based on your age and life stage. Young adults may concentrate on managing student loans and establishing emergency funds, while retirees might prioritize income protection and healthcare planning.

Additionally, your financial plan will be significantly shaped by your income level and spending habits. Those with higher incomes may possess more flexibility in allocating funds for retirement investments, whereas individuals with lower incomes might prioritize debt repayment and budgeting.

Are you cognizant of your risk-taking capacity? To what extent are you comfortable with taking risks in your investments? Individuals with a low risk tolerance may lean towards secure options such as bonds, whereas those with a higher tolerance might consider exploring stocks or other potentially high-growth but volatile assets. 

Your family circumstances are significant. Whether you are single, married, or have dependents, your plan must take into account elements such as childcare expenses, education costs, and the possibility of inheritance.

Evaluate your career objectives. Are you aspiring for early retirement, career progression, or launching a business? Ensure that your financial plan aligns with your career aspirations and can adapt to potential transitions.

Your values and personal objectives hold significance. What are your ultimate financial aspirations? Whether it’s prioritizing travel, achieving early retirement, securing the financial well-being of your family, or pursuing a passion project, aligning your plan with your values ensures it genuinely reflects your desires.

The path to financial freedom is undeniably a personal journey, and it’s empowering to recognize that it’s an attainable goal with the correct approach. Initiating early and committing to long-term investments are two essential pillars for achieving success. Achieving financial freedom is a marathon, not a sprint. Exercise patience, consistency, and adaptability. Regularly assess and modify your plan as your life and goals evolve. Celebrate milestones and remain undeterred by setbacks.

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Published: 22 Feb 2024, 11:43 AM IST