Why Pickles Are Trending in the American Food Circuit – Health Benefits & More

Culinary preferences are always in a state of flux, whether in India or outside. We have wholeheartedly adopted Chinese, Italian and other cuisines and the same trend is visible elsewhere. Pickle is native to India and is the most popular accompaniment to Indian food. Fruits or vegetables fermented in high acid concentrations, containing oil, lemon, vinegar or brine, make some delicious side dishes. Even a bit of the acidic taste of spicy foods can turn a non-pigmented meal. While we can’t get enough of our desi mango pickle or lemon pickle, people enjoy the same salty, sour, sweet and bitter flavors in olives, jalapenos and capers. In fact, pickle flavored foods are the latest craze in America and people are looking for everything in this flavor.

Strange as it may sound, Americans are enjoying everything from pickled burgers, pizza and falafil For pickling beer and even chips, dips and juices. The umami flavor that adds complexity and warmth to food, which we welcomed long ago and is now being recognized all over the world. What started as a practice of food preservation in ancient times has now become a culinary art.

(Also read: 11 Best Pickle Recipes | easy pickle recipe,

The reason behind the increasing popularity of spicy foods

For starters, the pickling process extends the shelf-life of foods. This is the reason the practice was originally born. In addition, pickling improves the taste of foods that impart a distinctive pungent and sour taste. But that’s not the only benefit we get from pickled foods. A research paper published in the ‘Journal of Functional Foods’ states how pickles also provide health benefits.

Health benefits of pickles:

  • Microorganisms (mainly lactic acid bacteria as well as micrococcaceae, bacilli, yeasts and filamentous fungi) play an important role in the pickling process. LAB microorganisms enhance the probiotic properties in the final meal resulting in better gut health.
  • Spicy foods also restore the natural bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of fruits and vegetables, which helps boost immune system,
  • Spicy items are said to contain high levels of protein, vitamins and dietary fiber.
  • Pickles prepared using colorful fruits and vegetables contain pigments like anthocyanins, flavonoids and carotenoids which are effective in fighting free radicals in the body.
  • Better digestion and reduction in serum cholesterol levels have also been attributed to the consumption of pickles.
  • Consuming ample amounts of pickles can provide relief from exercise-related muscle spasms.

Considering all the above benefits of having PickleIt should come as no surprise that the wave of the pickle craze is hitting hard.

About Neha GroverHis love for reading sparked his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping coffee.