Why pulses should always be a part of your diet

Last Update: February 27, 2023, 14:10 IST

The doctors revealed that regardless of one’s eating habits, the most important thing is a healthy food plate.

Pulses can provide all the essential vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

Don’t we all try to include vitamins and minerals in our diet? But do we get enough of the essential nutrients? Not necessary. People mostly focus on the taste of food more than what their body needs. For example, in some parts of our country people mostly stop eating rice while in others people prefer to eat chapati. Some people prefer salads and green leafy vegetables in their daily diet as a source of nutrition.

But do you know what is the most important thing in your plate? according to all India Institute of Medical Sciences, India There are different types of food available in different states, and people have different food habits. For example, rice is popular in Bengal and Bihar, while wheat bread is popular in northern India. Apart from this, it also depends on the body and work of the people that how many calories they need in a day. Suppose a person needs 1400 calories daily while someone’s work goes on from 300-400.

The doctors revealed that regardless of one’s eating habits, the most important thing is a healthy food plate. If you eat green leafy vegetables, salads and other food items daily, but do not eat pulses, then your diet is incomplete.

Rice, wheat and coarse cereals like jowar, bajra, barley, ragi etc. are all included in our diet, but they are incomplete without pulses. Unless we include a bowl of pulses in our daily diet, we cannot get all the amino acids from food. Cereals do not contain any lysine, while pulses do and pulses should be consumed with cereals or millets to complete the amino acid chain. Only then are proteins derived from amino acids available to the body and whole foods.

Benefits of pulses:

Pulses can provide all the essential vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Pulses are high in protein and fibre, as well as calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium and folate, all of which we need to perform daily tasks efficiently.

Pulses are a high protein source and it helps our body to maintain stability and strength. Thus, if you engage in a lot of physical activity, pulses are beneficial for your health.

Lentils are excellent antioxidants due to their high polyphenol content. Antioxidants are essential to your body because they protect your cells from free radicals, which are a byproduct of metabolic activity.

Healthy heart is one of the major health benefits of pulses. Different types of pulses can help in lowering the cholesterol level of your body, thereby improving heart health.

Pulses have a low glycemic index, which helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. People who consume pulses regularly can reduce the risk of diabetes.

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