Why the long summer vacations in West Bengal schools: Subhash Sarkar

Union Minister of State for Education, Subhash Sarkar on Friday wondered why the long summer vacation has been granted by the government this year by pushing the date of closure of schools in West Bengal when offline classes are running in those states where the heat wave The situation is worse. He told reporters here that the states which have hotter weather have not declared summer vacation so far.

“The heat wave situation is more intense in many other states but they have not taken any step like Bengal. Then why are schools being closed for summer vacation for so long from May 2 to mid-June? He asked for a question. Asked earlier this week by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to comment on the timing of summer vacations in schools, the government, however, clarified that the state has the right to take a decision on the issue.

The Union Minister also said that what he said on the issue was his own view. Schools in Bengal reopened in mid-February this year after nearly two years due to the COVID pandemic. They briefly opened to the upper classes in November 2021, but were closed again due to a third wave of contagion. Asked to comment on West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar’s allegations that vice-chancellors of state universities were not attending the meeting convened by him as chancellors of state universities, the government said it was unfortunate.

“I need to know about the reports that the VC is not attending the meetings called by the governor, I need to know in detail,” he said. On the recent controversy regarding Visva-Bharati University, where the unnatural death of a student triggered an agitation by the students, Sarkar said, “There is politics on every issue of the Central University. This cannot be accepted. We are concerned about Visva Bharati.

“We do not want the legacy of the university founded by Tagore to be diminished in any way,” he said. The Union Minister said that almost all the states are evaluating the New Education Policy, 2020, which is holistic and liberal in nature.

He said, ‘Connect West Bengal with NEP 2020, otherwise we will be left behind. The claim that it aims to saffronise is wrong and so is the notion that it will help in privatization of the education sector.”

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