Why You Should Avoid Studying Late At Night – News18

The parents are advised to not pressurise their child.

These days students prefer to study late, to avoid disturbance and stay focused, especially during the exam season.

Nowadays, students often opt to stay awake at night to study, a practice encouraged by both parents and teachers. However, relying on caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea to stay alert can have detrimental effects on their health in the long term. As the CBSE Board examinations approach, it’s crucial to recognise and avoid common mistakes that can jeopardise both physical well-being and academic performance.

With the CBSE Board exams set to begin on February 22, the period leading up to it is both exhilarating and stressful for students and parents alike. Many students schedule late-night study sessions to concentrate without interruption, often relying on caffeine to stay awake. While this strategy may seem beneficial, it’s essential to exercise moderation to prevent potential health issues.

One common mistake parents and educators make is pressuring students to excel academically. During the board examination period, students are singularly focused on achieving the highest grades possible. However, instead of adding to the pressure, parents should strive to understand the challenges their children face and appreciate their efforts. It’s important to convey to students that board exams are not the sole measure of success and that maintaining good mental and physical health is equally important. If students find themselves struggling to perfect their exam preparation, they should be encouraged to remain calm and relaxed and give their best effort without undue stress.

Studying late into the night may seem productive, but it comes with its own set of disadvantages. Many students resort to caffeinated beverages or even anti-sleeping pills to extend their study hours, unaware of the potential risks. Over time, excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to memory issues, difficulty in retaining information and cognitive impairment, posing significant long-term health risks.

As students prepare for the CBSE Board exams, it’s crucial to prioritise both academic success and overall well-being. Parents and educators should support students without adding undue pressure, emphasising the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between studying and self-care. By avoiding common mistakes such as excessive caffeine consumption and late-night studying, students can achieve success sustainably and healthily.