‘Will keep turning to you for advice, Rashtrapatiji’: PM Modi in letter to former President Kovind

Image Source: PTI President Draupadi Murmu with her predecessor Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi


  • PM Modi pays tribute on Kovind’s personal journey from a small village in UP to Rashtrapati Bhavan
  • PM Modi wrote, “Throughout your life and career, you have worked with determination and dignity.”
  • Modi said, Kovind has best represented India in every corner of the world and carried it forward

In a letter to former President Ram Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he set the highest standards of principles, honesty, performance, sensitivity and service during his tenure as the President of India. The Prime Minister’s letter was sent a day before former President Kovind stepped down.

In the letter, Prime Minister Modi also paid tribute to his personal journey from a small village in Uttar Pradesh to Rashtrapati Bhavan, calling it “a parable for the growth and development of our country, and an inspiration to our society”. I appreciated.

The contents of the letter were shared by former President Ram Nath Kovind through his official Twitter handle.

Sharing the letter, Kovind tweeted that it touched him deeply. “I take his kind and heartfelt words as a reflection of the love and respect that fellow citizens have showered on me. I am deeply grateful to all of you,” he said.

“Throughout your life and career, you have stood firm with determination and dignity, with a deep commitment to the ethics and integrity that is at the core of the Indian ethos, and with the highest respect and responsibility for the principles of our Constitution. are,” wrote Narendra Modi in the PM letter.

Modi said that in his many actions, interventions and speeches during his presidency, he has best represented India in all corners of the country and the world.

The Prime Minister told Kovind that he has always been generous with his time and advice over the last five years.

“I will continue to turn to you for advice. President, it has been a real privilege to work with you as your Prime Minister,” he said.

Modi wrote that as President, Kovind upheld and strengthened the ideals of the Constitution of India and the vitality of its democracy with sound judgment, great dignity and exceptional statesmanship and always with the best interests of the republic as his compass.

As the first citizen of the country he was always unshakeable in his compassion and concern for the welfare of the most vulnerable citizen, and firmly and proudly rooted in its soil and connected with the people, he said.

He said in the letter that Kovind was always with the people, sensitive to their problems, sensitive to their expectations and fully aware of the change needed.

“You were a steadfast and ardent champion of social change and inclusion, speaking for the poor, historically excluded and oppressed and marginalized, with special attention to the status and role of women,” the Prime Minister said.

“The themes and issues you have prioritized – civic duty in giving back to society, commitment to an India that is the amalgamation of our ancient heritage as well as modern science, and sustainable social change driven by growing and expanding education.” The outreach, especially for the girl child – has been thoughtful and meaningful.”

Modi mentioned that his interactions with Kovind, a long-time BJP member before being appointed first as the Governor of Bihar and then as the President, go beyond his presidency.

During his political career he has seen him work hard among the people and as an MP he has made his mark as an effective parliamentarian.

His governorship in Bihar was excellent as he made unique efforts to make the Raj Bhavan a “Lok Bhavan”, accessible to the common people.

Prime Minister Modi said that he was always deeply impressed by Kovind’s humility, grace and generosity, and mentioned his visit to his native village Paraunkh in Uttar Pradesh a few weeks ago.

“I was particularly impressed to see how you had donated your family residence to help others, especially those belonging to the poor and marginalized sections of the society. Equally happy to see that you have come back from your roots. Maintain a deep connection and the affection people have shown on you,” Modi said.

The Prime Minister said that his special gesture of coming to welcome him at the helipad will remain in his memory forever.

The Prime Minister said that it was equally special for Kovind to meet his mother and talk to her on many issues, which reflects his deep commitment to the integral value system of Indian society.

“Your life and service reflect the dear belief that you have recently shared with the students – never fail to give back to the society which has given you the opportunity to become a successful person,” Modi said.

(with inputs from PTI)

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