William Shakespeare’s Death Anniversary: ​​10 Inspirational Quotes from the Bard That Inspire Us Even Today!

William Shakespeare Death Anniversary: Today 23rd April is the death anniversary of the world’s most famous and great writer, William Shakespeare. Commonly known as the Bard of Avon and the national poet of England, Shakespeare has left an indelible impact with his works. His works are so profound that they are translated into almost every human language.

Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth are all considered among the best works in the English language. Shakespeare died 400 years ago, but he is still considered the greatest writer in the world.

On this day, in memory and honor of the famous writer, let us consider some of his remarkable words, which continue to inspire us today.

1. “The whole world is a stage, and all men and women are mere players: they have exits and entrances, and a man plays many roles in his time, his actions seven ages.”

2. “Cowards die many times before they die; The brave never tasted death, but only once.”

3. “What man works, how great in reasoning, how infinite in abilities, in form and how much is expressed and plausible, how like an angel in action, how like God in apprehension.”

4. “This is our life, free from public hunting, tongues in trees, books in flowing springs, sermons in stones, and finds good in everything.”

5. “Some are born great, some attain greatness, and some impose greatness on them.”

6. “A fool thinks himself wise, but a wise man considers himself a fool.”

7. “How poor are those who have no patience! Which wound ever healed but by degree?”

8. “Words without thoughts never go to heaven.”

9. “Listen to many, speak a few.”

10. “The fault is not in our stars but in ourselves”.

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