Winter Food List: 5 Ginger-Based Recipes To Fight Cold And Flu And Beat The Cold

Ginger is a staple in every Indian household and when the weather is chilly, it’s extra beneficial – from relieving joint pain, boosting immunity, fighting cold and flu, relieving congestion and aiding digestion From lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol, the benefits of ginger are many. So here are some delicious foods and recipes for winters that include ginger in them. They are healthy and delicious too!

winter recipes with ginger

ginger tea

Ginger tea is the best drink to ward off cold! Ginger tea can be very useful in relieving congestion caused by the common cold. Ginger tea can also help you treat minor symptoms of seasonal allergies. If you want to spice up your drink, add green chilies to your decoction.

ginger milk

If you don’t like tea, or if it’s for kids, ginger milk is the perfect drink. Add grated ginger to the milk; You can also add turmeric.

Ginger and Jaggery Toffee

Both ginger and jaggery are loaded with health benefits and when you add to them the goodness of ghee, sesame seeds, turmeric and black pepper, you have the perfect ginger candy. Chef Meghna Kamdar shared the recipe of this candy on Instagram. Check it out below:

Check out the ginger and jaggery candy recipe:

ginger ice cream

If you love barfi, here’s how you can give it a winter twist. Known as Adrak ki Barfi, it is great in fighting cold and cough. You can take grated ginger and make a paste with cardamom and milk. Then fry it in ghee in a pan. When the ghee separates, add sugar and dry fruits and turn off the gas. Then pour this mixture evenly in a greased plate. It will thicken after cooling. Then cut it into barfi-like pieces and enjoy!

Carrot – Ginger Soup

Loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, this is a delicious soup that can be perfect for winters. While we’ve already talked about the benefits of ginger, carrots are a great source of vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants. Apart from other benefits, it also helps fight common flu and hence is an essential winter vegetable.

Also Read: List Of Vitamin D Rich Foods: 5 Foods You Must Eat This Winter To Boost Your Vitamin D Levels – Check

(Disclaimer: The article is based on general information and is not a substitute for the advice of a medical expert. Zee News does not confirm the same.)